May 3rd from news. Also some new concept art etc. Link will be added tommorow, cant now. Discuss.
There is a reach discussion sub forum in halo discussion. I'll request a move for you. anyways glad we have a date on the beta.
what is there to discuss exactly? Its just a date... Seems pointless to start a new thread.... BTW:Linky +Multiplayer map Powerhouse:
I am not really intrestead in Campaign really .. i wanna see what the online multiplayer maps , hopefully a huge change from the halo 3 maps now , I hate people not vetoing SNOWBOUND !!
i wanna see combat with a group of spartains. i also heard for gameinformer that there will be up to 64 AIs to fight. epic fire fight.
No bungie said they can double the amount of AI on screen, In the Reach gameinformer they say instead of halo3s 20 Reach can now have 40 so not exactly 64 but close.
In case no one is aware, as today; february 14th, 2010, there are 78 more days untill the beta. I suggest we start a cult, where everyone takes 78 days worth of sleeping pills, and then on May 3rd, 2010, we shall rise from our coma like states and play the beta. also, hoping they let us play in the beta up untill the launch of reach, or very close to it.
The beta will probaly only be a month or two. I mean its a "beta" not a demo. They are using this to see how the community will react to the new gameplay and features. And will need time to make changes if necassary which might take time, depending on what it is.
Super secret mode They might not have firefight but it will have suer secret mode which hasnt been announced yet.
I hate Bungie. I've got exams in may so I won't be playing it much. @Gr4phix: I don't think you'll be able to forge in the beta. If the Halo 3 beta is anything to go by then it will be only matchmaking, no customs.