Occurred mainly on Modern Warfare 2. The edited video that showcases more of the moderator's quotes. YouTube- The Pro is Trash Talking. The unedited video that shows what he was responding to. YouTube- The pro: Banning on Xbox Live -Unedited- version Discuss if you will.
Apparantly, according to a statement issued (which I'll try and find on N4g again), The videos are really heavily edited in the player's favour. Apparantly, they were threatened to be banned for 10th Prestige Hacking. I don't care either way. Ban the assholes, Ban the mod-assholes. Then live will be less anal.
Could have been staged, but if not, then that's quite disturbing. People with power are people with ego. Try to take from that, and they will use the power to **** you up. ^ Take sarge for example.
I've played with a few random mods and community ambassadors, from my experience they're generally very laid back, I've heard people cuss worse than that kid did and they just asked him to calm down, but didn't threaten or do anything when he didn't. Modders = instant ban regardless though, they ruin the experience moreso because you can't just mute the idiot.
I'm with Sarge here. I don't play MW2, but I'm well aware of the notorious hacking that goes on in it. After playing Halo 2 during the hack-fest stages, I can say with confidence that they all need to be banned.
Pathetic comeback -.- Sarge edit: gave you the chance, now you're getting an infraction, poor choice. Okay here's some info. ThePro was provoked by small kids cussing him. Lupo (The guy that got banned) did not provoke him at all (They have 28 minutes worth of proof) and ThePro broke privacy agreements from microsoft and broke the banning protocol stated in the TOS. He also disclosed lupo's name in the video (the 28 minute one) which is against TOS. He spoke about religion (Send it to jesus I don't care) which is against TOS & He used profane words.
I think that they shouldna done it, becasue ist not fair an i dont like the moderatros, they ar currpots! If anyone is dumb enough to do that, they deserve a bam BTW, will watch later?
I can't even tell what the hell went on here, because as everyone said it's obviously edited, and I can't really tell if he's banning people with 10 prestige no questions asked. If that's the case, then I would have to agree with the commentator guy (Lupo?), for getting a 10th prestige is as easy as joining a Private Match, not knowing it's modded, and then being infracted for it. Though, I don't think that's the case. As much as I didn't like the Mods attitude (Which is my own opinion), or how he presented his actions, somewhat he's right. I don't think he approached it the right way, especially with the threats about banning any xbox the account has ever been on, but whatever. Xbox Live is the Internet, and will always get ****. The retard kid who cursed his brains out is what we find everywhere, and even I myself will occasionally succumb to it mainly for trolling reasons though. And honestly, once I see a kid get banned in the lobby (in front of my own eyes), regardless of what happened, I just would have gotten the hell out of there, wouldn't take my chances.
Microsoft: 'The Pro' Xbox Live moderator 'followed protocol' His bio states that he's a modder. I think that he's a bit of an idiot.
I could have told you that LMAO! From Harry Potter (The guy in the video's with him) a very good friend of Lupo and a very good friend of mine "I have 28 minutes of the total 30 minutes recorded" He also said that around 23 of those minutes was the little kid swearing at ThePro, so yeah he should get banned, but calling up his mother, that broke the privacy statement. The next 5 minutes are basicly what is in the video. He insists he did not provoke him at all (Other than being a modder). If you want any more info guys just let me know and if you want to talk with one of them ill ask them if they want to etc and try arrange it if they want.
*cough* 10th mods are patched *cough* But seriously, you can still do lobbies. 2,000,000 ecp per kill.
There's always some guy with power and a huge ego. Still, he did his job and banned them for modding.
Not if you have a Jtag. Agreed, he did his job of moderating but broke contracts in the process, yes they mod but those accounts weren't modding, he literally banned Lupo for nothing. The little kid and his friends deserved it tough.
This. I highly doubt that the kids were just randomly abused by a moderator. Both broke rules- the children tampered with the game and the moderator did his job... poorly. This is why he should be stripped of his position (Im pretty sure a telemarketer would be fired for getting in a fight with buyers...) and the children should be banned (IP banned maybe?)
I'm pretty sure the MS employee had a very hard slap on the wrist, but they wouldn't revoke his privileges over something minuscule as this. MS is more anal about their employees leaking out info rather than dealing with immature brats in a harsh matter. Yes, he did violate some of XBL's ToU, but the truth of the matter is that if MS deemed their employee was in the wrong, they would've compensated the gamer with Microsoft points, or maybe even lifted his suspension. They seem to give away MS points like they're candy Lol. Also, lets not forget that LuPo is apparently apart of the best glitching/modding clans out there, so his suspension was coming one way or another. The fact that he wants all of this attention drawn to him may be the death of his GT on XBL, which is quite amusing to me.
This. Also, HarryPotter in the video is my friend (he was the first to upload the vid to youtube) and has been in contact with MS and they are investigating the matter, that is probably why they haven't compensated him.