I really liked this angle for some reason... I think it's a combination of the Ghost's direction and the lighting from the bottom of it. I took this version and stylized it a bit. Let me know what you think, whether it be about the original, about the editing version, etc.
It's a pretty bland screenshot, but it's amazing what a little style can do. I agree with you that the angle is strangely appealing, but due to its simplicity, chances are you won't have too many fans of the original. Now, all you have to do is make a map called Slide and use the stylized picture as a banner.
I agree with you completely, thanks for the post! And yeah, now that I look at the original with the new side-by-side, I can see a tremendous difference. Haha, true that.
It's pretty awesome, but I feel like the text leaves something to be desired. Something more heavy and...wide, I guess. It just seems like this is too thin (in terms of font, not in terms of stretch).
personally, the first thing i thought was "the chief had bought his ghost dinner...." i do like sl!de, this is one of the very few l33t things i can stand, looks decent, i think its the blurry background that make me think it a very big jump more than anything
Looks great, perhaps a better background? like off a cliff or something. but for the "free style" idea- you should try banshees. When you are latching onto the wing, at the right angle, you look like you are doing a handstand on the wing- looks EPIC.