New Medals

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by a dying animal, Feb 13, 2010.

  1. CriminaL

    CriminaL Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Different looking splatter medals depending on what vehicle you're in
  2. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
    Senior Member

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    2 weapon kill medals
  3. boomerdude

    boomerdude Ancient
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    chucknorris-beat down everyone on the other team without dying
    jedi-slashed everyone on the otherteam with a sword
    4for4- use 4 bullets from a snipe and get 4 headshots
    flying high- killsomeone off the side of a hornet
    rodio clown- beat someone out of a vehicle
    all out- out of bullets so u have to beat someone down
    or... last mag- kill someone with the last clip you have... "from odst"
    guardian-stay within so many feat from vip and get 3 kills
    staying alive- get hit more then 10 times and recharge without dyeing
    mercinary- kill one of your teamates and an enemy within 2 seconds
  4. Possessed Adam

    Possessed Adam Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Akimbo Spree - Get a 5 kill streak with duel wielded weapons
    Turret Spree - Get a 5 kill streak with a Machine Gun Turret
    Pistol Spree - Get a 5 kill streak with a Magnum

    Bloodthirsty - Get an overkill as an infected
    Resistance - Get a 5 kill streak whilst the LMS
    Owned - Kill the entire enemy team with a grenade
    BBQ - Get a 5 kill streak with a Flamethrower
    Splat - Splatter an enemy with a scenery object

    Carpenter - Get a 10 kill spree with a Gravity Hammer
    Cut 'em High - Get a 10 kill spree with a Sword
    Endure - Get 20 kills, use 5 equipment, throw 4 grenades and shoot 99 bullets in 1 life

    Terrorist - Plant 3 bombs in one life in Assualt
    Capturist - Capture 3 Flags in one life in CTF
    Hill Hugger - Stay in the hill for all of your teams points in KOTH
    Survivor - Survive an infection game until the end of the time limit
    Juggern00b - Be a Juggernaut for less than a second
    Assistant - Be first to all goals in a game of VIP

    BUNGIE.NET Specials

    Vidmaster - Render 20 Videos from your own fileshare
    Paparazzi - Fill up your screenshot gallery


    Get 10 kills with a Splaser - IMA FIRIN MA LAZAR
    Run someone over in a wraith - Purple Crusher
    Run someone over in a tank - Crushinator
    Get a Kill Spree in a chopper - Fast and Deadly
    Get a Kill Spree in a ghost - Purple Wind
    Get a wheelman in a Scorpion - Secondary Tank
    Get a 10 kill Spree on a Warthog Gunner - Kills on Wheels
    Go on all the maps for a full time match - Explorer
    Create a Map Variant on each map - Creator
    Watch ten film clips on Theatre - Viewer
    Get a triple kill with a GravHammer - Banging the Nails
    Get a triple kill with a Rocket Launcher - Xplosive
    #25 Possessed Adam, Feb 24, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2010
  5. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Assist Medal. Yes.

    Remove standard beatdown medal.

    Flawless Kill - Unassisted kill using the minimum number of pistol/DMR/carbine/needle rifle bullets. For Halo 3 this would be a 4 shot BR or 5 shot pistol.

    2 for 1 - self explanatory. Applies to any weapon that can get it(laser, rockets, sniper etc)
  6. Hunter85792

    Hunter85792 Ancient
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    I just want more sprees...
    Warthog Spree/Frenzy: Get 5/10 kills with the 'Hog's Turret.
    Turret Spree/Frenzy: Get 5/10 kills with a Plasma/Human Turret.
    Laser Spree/Frenzy: Get 5/10 kills with the Spartan Laser.
    Rocket Spree/Frenzy: Get 5/10 kills with the Rocket Launcher.
    Grenade Spree/Frenzy: Get 5/10 kills with Frags/Plasmas.
    Headshot Spree/Frenzy: Get 5/10 headshot kills.
    VIP Spree/Frenzy: Kill 5/10 enemies as the VIP
    Oddball Spree/Frenzy: Kill 5/10 enemies with the Ball.
    Flag Spree/Frenzy: Kill 5/10 enemies with the Flag.
    Bomb Spree/Frenzy: Kill 5/10 enemies with the Bomb.
  7. OrangeJuice

    OrangeJuice Ancient
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    Flagtacular: Win a match of Capture the Flag, scoring all your teams points.

    Mass murderer: Kill every member in the enemy team at least twice

    Death to ground walkers!: Splatter an Enemy with an aerial vehicle
  8. Col Keller

    Col Keller Ancient
    Senior Member

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    some pretty cool ideas, i would like to see some sort of wheelman's spree for like 5 assists, 10 assissts, 20 assists, extra...
  9. mefire66

    mefire66 Ancient
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    fall kill medal. If someone falls outside the map like guardian and you damaged them alittle before.
  10. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I cant think of a name, but, one where you damage them, then they kill themselves on accident or a teammate does.

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