hi this is my first post it is a zombie map i hav worked on for a while and me and my friends really spend a lot of time on it so i thought that i should share it with you guys. please comment and rate thanks you guys I wanted ammo to be pretty scarce during the game so none of the weapons respawn. here is the weapons list 2x sniper 2 spare clips 3x BR 2 spare clips 2x AR 2 spare clips 2x smg 2 spare clips 3x shotgun 2 spare clips 4x magnum 2 spare clips 1x rocket launcher 1 spare clip note: humans spawn with magnums the ones in the weapons room are just for reloads pics overview go ito this room at the start of round and choose your weapons The bar on the second floor the lounge on the third floor complete with comfy couch and coffee table the laboratory on the top floor where scientists are looking for a cure to the disease Finally the roof which is a prime sniping spot (mongoose spawns 2 and a half minutes in) The zombies spawn in a box and wait for thirty seconds for a killball to kill them giving the humans time to get ready. thenthey spawn in a tube where they choose one of two teleporters that bring them here. (the killball is glitched and wont harm you) the zombies have two alternate rutes to choose besides simply running around the wall one of the choices is the sewers whch will bring them right into the city via teleporter and will spit them out here (the entrance is the tube piece at the bottom of the wall) the other is the man cannon rock which hurls the zombies right over the wall (has been relocated) here is the map DOWNLOAD here is the gametype DOWNLOAD
Great map for a first post but for future reference the lighting effects really turns some people off of maps..... but i guess its fine with an infection map
Only thing I don't like is the Armory. Everything else looks beautiful though. I suggest one simple thing. If you drop the armory and scatter the weapons, it would be flawless in my opinion. Keep it up, I can't wait to see more.
I agree, I didn't like the armory layout. maybe if you made it more interesting, or just moved them to different places around the map, it would be a little better.
The forging is great in the little castle type thing... The title is misleading... You couldve tried to make more cover outside the tower thing. I like the design, especially in the bar... Great map man.
i think its preeyty good, first post, preety good, but what you need to do is go on forging 201 and look at the infection thing a more balenced game, example, you should put br and sniper or rocket launcer somewhere were risk=reward 2.3/5 if you fix the armory and do risk=reward it would be 4.3/5