20 Minutes 'Til Evac

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by KilerG, Feb 24, 2010.

  1. KilerG

    KilerG Ancient
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    Welcome now to a (new) Infection Survival map. This game is based off of a game that I helped make popular on Halo 2 that was played on Headlong. The base that all the humans spawn at is modeled after the building used in the game on Headlong. It has now been cheat-proofed compared to my several old versions, while this should be my final version (at least on Halo 3 or Sandbox). Now begins the story....

    A UNSC Team of soldiers has been attacked by zombie creatures. They were driving down a tunnel, when they were attacked, and many were slaughtered. The vehicles have been made useless, and unusable. We now have to stay in an ancient building, and wait for Evac. They say it will arrive in 20 minutes, but I don't think we can last that long. We must try, but the zombies pop out of nowhere, and they seem to come from everywhere.
    This is Sergeant Conner
    If you're listening to this, you are the UNSC

    Okay, not really, just wanted to throw in some Terminator jokes ^_^
    So if you didn't understand that, here's a basic idea of the game:
    Zombies spawn in the crypt. They wait a small amount of time before the door is opened and they are allowed to choose from 4 teleporters. Each teleporter takes them to a different place around the human-held base. One leads to a small building that has a teleporter to the Third Floor of the human-held base (Just as it was on Headlong).

    Humans spawn on a broken bridge. Note that I wouldn't move when I spawn, as a giant block shortly blows up a warthog, usually killing lots of people. If you die, don't worry, you'll respawn in the building. Humans have to leave the bridge within a couple minutes, as killballs envelop the bridge, killing any cheating campers. Yes, the bridge is CHEATING, once the game starts. Why do you spawn and are already cheating? Because it makes it interesting don't bug me.
    The humans spawn with Magnums and Energy Swords, the Alpha Zombie spawns with a Gravity Hammer and an Energy Sword, and Zombies spawn with only Energy Swords. Humans can pick up the scattered Rifles around, the map hosts a few battle rifles and carbines, but be careful with the ammo, there isn't much of it. Infected Zombies have Poor Camo also, so they're sometimes hard to spot.
    So the humans have 20 minutes to survive, and then they get evaced...actually the game ends and you go on with your life. If you DO legitely survive 20 minutes, I want to see that video.

    The building is constructed with 3 levels, one with a hallway on the side, one with deployable covers to help block doors and a lift that leads up to the level (usually used by zombies), and the top floor, which features a hole that can be used to see the rest of the floors, and leads to a balcony with a teleporter on it, that can be accessed by zombies from using the teleporter on the other building. One of the zombie spawn teleporters leads to that building.
    Now for downloads. Lots of people dislike the camera effects, so you can get the version without it if you wish.
    20 Min 'Til Evac (Map)
    20 Min 'Til Evac (Map without effects)
    20 Min 'Til Evac (Gametype)

    Strategies I've seen used:
    1) The top floor has the least amount of doors. There are only 3 ways to get in, two being easy to see and block, and one that comes up below. There is a hole on the top floor for seeing onto the Second and First Floor, which is helpful for watching for zombies. This is possibly one of the best spots to hide, yet zombies can use the Gravity Hammer through the floor, so be careful.
    2) The hallway on the First floor is a good spot, but presents a small amount of space. There are only two doors, but it may be hard to see if zombies come in, as they can pop in quickly.
    3) The Balcony can be used well for hiding. Zombies can hit you if you're near the edge, so you need to be careful. There are 2 doors, and one teleporter to this area. You can block the teleporter easily with your body, and make it hard for zombies to enter, and easy to pick them off when they appear outside the zombie building.

    And so the epic pictures begin...
    I'm using the non-gloom version of the map so you can see details.

    The main building that the Humans control
    The Human's spawn. There should be a warthog under that floating block, don't understand why it didn't spawn in this picture, I'm sure you'll see it in-game :p.
    Zombie controlled Teleporter building
    Zombie Spawn area. Each corner has a teleporter leading to somewhere on the map.
    First floor. Contains the stairs to the Second floor, and a hallway on the right.
    Hallway area. Usually used by the zombies to enter the building.
    Second Floor. Has access to the Third floor, access to the second is available for zombies from the lift around the corner. There are deployable covers on the blocks to use to block doors. Not as useful as the gigantic boxes used on Headlong, but it helps block doorways.
    The Lift used by zombies to enter the building.
    The Third Floor. Has access to the balcony, and has a hole that can be used to view the other 2 floors.
    Another view of the Third Floor, showing off the small hallway in the middle, and a door leading out to the teleporter balcony.

    For anyone who cares (most people usually don't) I spent many months working on this off and on, until it was ready for testing. It was thoroughly tested by several groups of friends, and was deemed pretty much cheat-proof, especially compared to my older versions.
    The only cheating I can notice is that you can continually commit suicide, but most of the spawns are inside, so it's easy to catch cheaters. Also, the bridge is a pretty good cheat spot, but the killballs usually get rid of cheaters there. It shouldn't be possible to get on the roof, maybe only as a zombie.

    Please post any (non-stupid) comments and concerns below. I'd like to make plenty more maps using this gametype, but I want this one perfect first. Been thinking of good ideas of what can be amazing for a survival for 20 minutes.
    #1 KilerG, Feb 24, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2010
  2. The Bloody Beetroots

    Senior Member

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    Now, your gonna get comments saying how you forging skills are not up to par. Disregard those. Onto the map,

    It looks pretty fun and and interestingly designed. I will try to get a game on it in a few days. I like how you incorporate outside and inside settings. I like the bridge also, it just brings out the feeling of an explosion, and that you have to survive. Also, I love your building internal layout. I think the maps a bit bumpy of course, but a map is intended to be fun, not look good but play bad.

    Another thing I like, the fact that the building is like a Apartment Building in New York. It reminds me of the only Horror Movie I ever liked, Quarantine. I hope you make a touched up V2, and I will try to get a game on this going as soon as possible, it would be better if you invited me. My gamer tag is "Stealth9Sneaker". Keep up the good work.​
  3. KilerG

    KilerG Ancient
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    Thanks, but the entire map was done using merging, so yes...the map IS up to par with current Forge standards. Mostly the top floor, because the bottom was started a while ago, so it (might) not be as good as the upper floors. I have noticed some things that might not be perfect, but when you play on the map, everything is SMOOTH. Don't worry about it.
    The bridge was a great idea, and the explosion of the warthog is a fun effect that I had a lot of fun making. It just sums up the idea of the map.
    The map was built like a normal building, one that was in Headlong to be exact. The layout of the map is (almost) exactly the same, and the gametype used is pretty much the same. I should add that the weapons on the map are only rifles, and you start with a magnum and an energy sword. The energy sword is fun only because it was originally in the Halo 2 version, and is sometimes helpful.

    Please point out exact spots that could use a little polishing up. I'll get to working on it ASAP.
  4. Mystifo

    Mystifo Ancient
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    I miss the days when merging was not thought of anyways I like the look of the map it seems like it would be a great bit of fun.
  5. The Bloody Beetroots

    Senior Member

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    I'll be honest, when I said "up to par" I meant like something from Rifte Gifle or someone similar. This is however, up to standards and beautiful. I'm still waiting to play it, I just am busy with school and videos.
  6. KilerG

    KilerG Ancient
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    Yeah I hear you dude...I loved when I didn't have to merge to make a good map. Well, it helps make better maps now I guess, but it sometimes makes maps worse than they could've been.

    I don't know who that is, but apparently from what you say, either he's a jerk, or that he makes really good stuff, probably he's a jerk.
    I hope you enjoy the map, I'm posting another one soon, my sequel to Red vs. Blue Prison.
  7. ..::Brotherston!x

    Senior Member

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    Ok not trying to piss on your parade but I can see many areas which ARENT merged so your cockyness is slightly miss placed. Onto the map, it seems to make fun games so 5* for that but 3* for forging 4/5 ok, i like the humans spawn quite unique
  8. KilerG

    KilerG Ancient
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    Anything that needs to be merged was merged. Anything that is not merged does not hinder gameplay whatsoever, so it doesn't matter. Cockyness is not how I'd say I was like, I was just noting that yes, I did merge the map, there is nothing that is outstandingly ugly on the map.
    The games are always fun, yet they become chaotic, and it's fun to see how long you will last. I've seen interesting things go on while playing on this map, people trying things I would never think of!
  9. Mystifo

    Mystifo Ancient
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    Yeah the days when maps were said they were amazing because everything was evened out or you took the time to put that phone on the wall in high ground. :D
  10. KilerG

    KilerG Ancient
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    Well that's why I hate it when others tell me my map isn't perfect. Anything built by people WILL have a flaw here and there. As long as the gameplay still runs the way you envisioned it, it's perfectly fine.

    Now, I'm trying to think up some more ideas for another 20 Min 'Til Evac Map, at least using the same style. I'm thinking of making a new building, and making new things that I like, maybe making it a couple stories high, rather than just 3. Also was thinking of using air ducts, might be a fun way to drop in on humans.

    Also, no one has told me anything seriously wrong so far, so I'm hoping you're not finding any problems yet.

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