Excellent colors, with all of them. All have great depth, except for the last one. And Amazing blending. My favorite is definetly the first. Im glad you compiled these. Great job
Thanks. I'll post more later. Next batch will contain vectors. EDIT: Most of these aren't meant to look good, but rather for originality.
Wow Fragman, these are simply AMAZING. I love pretty much all of them, great colors and depth like R0FLninja said. I can't even say I have a favorite though, they're just simply amazing.
Pssh, The one I like is the one you made for me awhile back... I may just have to use that one again since I doubt I'll ever get a Sig. Though, to be honest I love all the Sigs and they are really well done. I don't think I have a favorite one but I guess the one you made me is a great one that I like. Great work, Fragman...
Updated! Check second post for more signatures. EDIT: Originality Gallery time. ^PS, none of these are meant to look good.^ RANDOM STUFFS (meant to be this big)
Mace, if I still had the program, I would. Plus, I don't have access to the broken computer that has the files. I CAN send you a private message explaining what I did.