Hey guys, Lately I've been busy and and haven't had time to go on halo and forge and even when i do have the time i never get around to doing anythin productive in forge anymore, so I'm letting you guys decide if you want to have these maps out or not... If you want to adopt the map just pm me, or if you want to see the map pm me... sorry about having no pictures, most of them are less than 5% done anyways. Human Resources: Checkpoint based infection map set inside an office building. you start at the top floor and work your way down to the bottom to hold out, there is oe empty elevator shaft to use to get to the bottom quick but weapons neccesary to hold out properly will be located on the trip down the normal way. once at the bottom floor theres no way back up. Doom: An infection map made to look like a space ship in code red. will be quite dark ann the shape of an oval circuit, almost like a race track. two mongeese wil be provided to the humans for lights. Triple team slayer map: will be set up primarily for three teams of four on slayer and koth... just needs a center and third base... needs to form a triangle between bases. Thats about it actually, I thought there was more but I gues I was wrong. Anyways, just pm me if you want to take one on, I am liable to take awhile to repy to any xbox live messages... Im just getting the hang of playing dont fear the reaper on guitar right now so yeah, thanks.
Hmm, nice ideas but you should really keep them. I especially like the Human Resources one, its probably your best idea there. I would take on board the Human Resources one but I'm busy on another project at the moment.
Basically what Crypto said, I like your human resources idea but wondering how the infected would spawn, teleporters? I'm working on another map right now so I don't think I can build your map.
the infected would spawn like they do in manifest for human resources. the main reason im givng them away is because I simply don't have the will or time to finish these projects anymore... I have honestly lost all enjoyment I used to get out of forge. I will remain an active member of the community, but I just won't be making maps or playing halo very much anymore.if you do decide to adopt one of these I will do a banner or sig or whatevr for it when you finish whichever one it is.captn: so you'll take that one on? ok, just pm me when you want me to go online to give it to you.