1. Figure out the best way to take out a Falcon easily. 2. MATCHMAKINGOMNOMONOMOPNOMONOMMONONMONONOMONOMOMNOM When I get the actual game: 1. Notifications: off 2. Appear offline 3. The beautiful and alien and huge campaign.
100% positive I'll start by playing the campaign on Heroic or Legendary, just to continue my years-old tradition going back to the release of Halo: Combat Evolved in November 2001. Then I'll play through the campaign and glitch out of as many maps as I can.
I would go straight to Forge, to get familiar with the controls, new weapons, vehicles, and maps. Then, I'd get a guest in, to check out the new physics of shields and deaths. Then, I'd probably fix my armor and go for Campaign.
7 Steps to Dominating Halo: Reach Look at achievements Run through legendary co-op campaign with my buddies. (probaly beat it that night) Go back in on normal and get any hidden "collectibles" skulls, audio logs, etc. Check appearances and see what I can do. Go to custom games and run around all the maps to get used to them, ya know learn some jumps and weapon spawns. Go tear up some multiplayer. Forge
I'd follow the tradition I do with all games, play the entire campaign before anything else. After that I'd probably fire up forge to see what I can do and to test if interlocking/geomerging/ghostmerging still work.
Campaign on heroic, solo play. Multiplayer for ever. Legendary run with a couple mates. Play Call of Duty. Get camped by M16's + 87's or Ranger Akimbos. Witness infinite care packages raining from the sky, negative exp, and children running a 3x speed. Eject game and swap for Reach. Return to campaign on normal for remaining collectibles.
As I always do, I'll start up with some campaign to get the controls down and have a look at the environments. Depending on how long the campaign is I'll either finish it then or go into to matchmaking or have a look at forge.
I always play through the campaign before I touch the multiplayer. Can't risk having someone spoil it for me.
Even tough I'm not much of a Forger, the first thing I will do is start up Forge to see what new and at which case I'll probably be so happy that I'll go into a coma/happy seizure for a bit. After I recovered from the ordeal I'll instantly pick up a few friends online and play the Campaign until I finish or it gets so epic that I have another happy seizure from the awesomeness that will most likely happen when playing Reach.
I'll probably check out the customization, then start up Campaign (on Normal or Heroic) for the first two or three levels, check out Forge and then play some MP.
First thing I'll do is see the appearances, then play campaign, then check out forge after beating campaign, then once I'm done with forge I'll play multiplayer.