For those unfamiliar (like I was), here's Aisha Tyler: Urk posted this image over at NeoGAF this morning. Also this morning, Aisha Tyler tweeted this. Epic win. Kat, possibly? Probably.
Maybe she'll be the new AI. I love her voice (as well as a couple of other assets), so I'd probably have a huge haloboner during campaign. Just sayin'...
Well she is a successful and before I looked her up. I knew I had seen or heard her name before. Well, I'll be looking forward to hearing her voice in Reach.
Deja, maybe? That'd be cool. I kinda think we won't have an AI in this game, but I'd be happy to be wrong. I think we'll hear our team's chatter a lot over the comlink, but who knows.
Lots of TV cameos. She currently voice acts for the new cartoon show Archer (which is f-ing hilarious, by the way). She dated Ross for a while on Friends, if you can remember back that far lol.