Sandbox Outlawed

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Decadence Night, Oct 9, 2009.

  1. Decadence Night

    Decadence Night Ancient
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    Outlawed, the most accurate Hang 'em High remake to date, has gone through an extensive update after a 2nd go with the testers guild. This update features an edited weapon/equipment set, overhauled bases, better spawning, and best of all, ghost merging.

    ^Shotgun Hallway^

    ^Red Base^

    ^Looking up at Rocket Spawn^

    ^Top of Blue Base. Thank God for Ghost Merging^

    ^Sniper Spawn^

    ^Top of Red Base^

    ^Inside Blue Base^

    ^Inside One of the Two Shotgun Canopies. Looking out at the Graveyard.^


    Like I said before, this is the most accurate Hang 'em High remake to date. The only thing this remake is missing is the trench, which I omitted in order to make the rest of the map as accurate as possible. I believe I've succeeded in this respect. Making a trench takes far too many objects and simply isn't worth it. In order to compensate for the loss of cover, I've placed a multitude of tombstones on the ground. Testing the map has proven that there is plenty of cover if you decide to run across the ground. So please don't bring up the trench. It's gotten annoying to explain my reasoning every time.


    The weapon set is entirely accurate to the original Hang 'em High, with the exception of extra clips and grenades.

    2x Battle Rifles, 2 extra clips, 30 sec
    2x Assault Rifles, 2 extra clips, 30 sec
    4x Shotguns, 0 extra clips, 120 sec
    1x Sniper Rifle, 1 extra clip, 120 sec
    3x Needlers, 0 extra clips, 60 sec
    2x Plasma Rifles, 30 sec
    1x Rocket Launcher, 1 extra clip, 180 sec

    4x Plasma Grenades, 45 sec
    4x Frag Grenades, 30 sec
    1x Overshield, 90 sec
    1x Active Camo, 90 sec

    Special Gametypes:

    This map is compatable and works fairly well with most standard gametypes, but I have taken the liberty to make some custom gametypes to fit with the gameplay of the original Hang 'em High.

    HeH Slayer: Free for all slayer. BR primary, no secondary, no grenades.
    HeH Team Slayer: Team Slayer. BR primary, no secondary, no grenades.
    HeH CTF: One-Flag CTF. BR primary, no secondary, no grenades.

    During the testing, some people complained about not starting out with grenades, but I actually rather like it. People take grenades for granted in Halo 3. I found that the gameplay turned out to be much more interesting when you have to seek the grenades out yourself.

    Preview Film

    File Set

    Download Outlawed

    I hope you all enjoy my map. Be sure to leave your feedback. Thanks. :D

    #1 Decadence Night, Oct 9, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2009
  2. ShotRangE

    ShotRangE Ancient
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    There are many hang em' high remakes out there, I don't know if this is the best. But I do know that this is the best one that i've seen so far. I really like that shotgun bunker, it looks really clean. The red base's covered ramp looks nice aswell.

    Not that it really matters but your map really seems accurate, but I honestly don't think that the huge stairs reach out that far. I also think that you could've done better. You could've cleaned it up a bit to make it look impressive. 7.5/10
  3. Decadence Night

    Decadence Night Ancient
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    well, i never said best because that's a subjective term, but i assure you, after seeing dozens of other Hang 'em High remakes, this is the most accurate. look some up and see for yourself if you like. if you've seen one more accurate, please show it to me.

    in contract to blue base, yes it does stick out that far, in contrast to the map as a whole, you're right, it doesn't. but the crypt is a bit smaller than than the original Hang 'em High, and it was unavoidable.

    i spent all last night cleaning it up. you'd see that if i posted before/after pics. but i'll do some more touching up here and there and update to download link. thanks for your feedback.
  4. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    This is a great map, but could you please not use black font, its really hard to read.
  5. Decadence Night

    Decadence Night Ancient
    Senior Member

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    changed it. thanks for saying so
  6. Col Keller

    Col Keller Ancient
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    nice job man, yeah i know how much ghost mergin' can help... by far the best remake i have seen in a really long time.

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