Maybe a multi kill past killionare? Or maybe a huge deathstreak? Zombie Related Spree? Oddball Spree maybe? Opposite of perfection? Betrayal (I would rack these up for so much fun!) This doesn't mean that they are medals, but it would be cool.
chucknorris-beat down everyone on the other team without dying jedi-slashed everyone on the otherteam with a sword 4for4- use 4 bullets from a snipe and get 4 headshots flying high- killsomeone off the side of a hornet rodio clown- beat someone out of a vehicle all out- out of bullets so u have to beat someone down or... last mag- kill someone with the last clip you have... "from odst" guardian-stay within so many feat from vip and get 3 kills staying alive- get hit more then 10 times and recharge without dyeing mercinary- kill one of your teamates and an enemy within 2 seconds
Akimbo Spree - Get a 5 kill streak with duel wielded weapons Turret Spree - Get a 5 kill streak with a Machine Gun Turret Pistol Spree - Get a 5 kill streak with a Magnum Bloodthirsty - Get an overkill as an infected Resistance - Get a 5 kill streak whilst the LMS Owned - Kill the entire enemy team with a grenade BBQ - Get a 5 kill streak with a Flamethrower Splat - Splatter an enemy with a scenery object Carpenter - Get a 10 kill spree with a Gravity Hammer Cut 'em High - Get a 10 kill spree with a Sword Endure - Get 20 kills, use 5 equipment, throw 4 grenades and shoot 99 bullets in 1 life Terrorist - Plant 3 bombs in one life in Assualt Capturist - Capture 3 Flags in one life in CTF Hill Hugger - Stay in the hill for all of your teams points in KOTH Survivor - Survive an infection game until the end of the time limit Juggern00b - Be a Juggernaut for less than a second Assistant - Be first to all goals in a game of VIP BUNGIE.NET Specials Vidmaster - Render 20 Videos from your own fileshare Paparazzi - Fill up your screenshot gallery CHALLENGES AND TITLES : Get 10 kills with a Splaser - IMA FIRIN MA LAZAR Run someone over in a wraith - Purple Crusher Run someone over in a tank - Crushinator Get a Kill Spree in a chopper - Fast and Deadly Get a Kill Spree in a ghost - Purple Wind Get a wheelman in a Scorpion - Secondary Tank Get a 10 kill Spree on a Warthog Gunner - Kills on Wheels Go on all the maps for a full time match - Explorer Create a Map Variant on each map - Creator Watch ten film clips on Theatre - Viewer Get a triple kill with a GravHammer - Banging the Nails Get a triple kill with a Rocket Launcher - Xplosive
Assist Medal. Yes. Remove standard beatdown medal. Flawless Kill - Unassisted kill using the minimum number of pistol/DMR/carbine/needle rifle bullets. For Halo 3 this would be a 4 shot BR or 5 shot pistol. 2 for 1 - self explanatory. Applies to any weapon that can get it(laser, rockets, sniper etc)
I just want more sprees... Warthog Spree/Frenzy: Get 5/10 kills with the 'Hog's Turret. Turret Spree/Frenzy: Get 5/10 kills with a Plasma/Human Turret. Laser Spree/Frenzy: Get 5/10 kills with the Spartan Laser. Rocket Spree/Frenzy: Get 5/10 kills with the Rocket Launcher. Grenade Spree/Frenzy: Get 5/10 kills with Frags/Plasmas. Headshot Spree/Frenzy: Get 5/10 headshot kills. VIP Spree/Frenzy: Kill 5/10 enemies as the VIP Oddball Spree/Frenzy: Kill 5/10 enemies with the Ball. Flag Spree/Frenzy: Kill 5/10 enemies with the Flag. Bomb Spree/Frenzy: Kill 5/10 enemies with the Bomb.
Flagtacular: Win a match of Capture the Flag, scoring all your teams points. Mass murderer: Kill every member in the enemy team at least twice Death to ground walkers!: Splatter an Enemy with an aerial vehicle
some pretty cool ideas, i would like to see some sort of wheelman's spree for like 5 assists, 10 assissts, 20 assists, extra...
I cant think of a name, but, one where you damage them, then they kill themselves on accident or a teammate does.