PROJECTS BEING WORKED ON NOW: 2 Client 1 - MAP BEING DEVELOPED. TOURING MAP. FILMING CLIPS. CAPTURING. RECORDING AUDIO. COMPILING VIDEO. UPLOADING. ("Drive-Thru" Halo 3 Map for Machinima) Client 2 - [MAP BEING DEVELOPED] Client 3 - [MAP BEING DEVELOPED] Client 4 - You? To the dear ForgeHub community and general public: (SKIM BEFORE POSTING) I am offering my capturing, filming, and editing abilities to any map maker that wants to get their finished project out on the internet. I use Pinnacle Studio for capturing, and Sony Vegas Movie Studio for editing. If you have Microsoft Points to give, and you want to make things saucy, then I can always bust out my special effects software. Q: Can I see some of your work first? A: Sure you can, love. YouTube- Tirega Prime - Halo 3 Map Forge and Screenshot Project MADE IN A DAY - After I made the map, I made a quick video to go with it. This is closest to the work I'll be doing here, probably. YouTube- This Ghost Is on A Tipping Edge - Halo 3 Ghost Map MADE IN A DAY - A more trailer type of map video. YouTube- Bottom Gold to Top Gold - Halo 3 Jump Tutorial MADE IN A DAY OR TWO - Bottom gold -> top gold jump tutorial. Q: Why do I even need a video for my map? Screenshots work just fine. A: Maybe on ForgeHub, but if you want to get your map well-known elsewhere on the internet, you're going to need a well-made video. Bungie is much more likely to front page a map that has a video to go with it. Besides, why wouldn't you want a video of your map on Forgehub? Q: Why would you do this for me? Why? Why? A: Video editing, particularly that that involves Halo, is a hobby of mine, and I simply enjoy doing it. I feel that some members of this community could use someone to help with production, so I'm here to help. I have other duties (school and Lawlolawl Studios), but making your map will be one of my priorities, because I am getting CAS hours for doing so (it's like community service hours for the type of program I'm in, "Creative" hours). Because I'm not doing this professionally, I won't charge you anything. Q: Okay, can you make me a video now? A: I can't make a video for everyone, so I'm going to start by simply picking which maps I want to work with first (first-come first-serve, kind of). I'm not sure how many people want videos made yet, so I'm not going to set a price, that would just be ridiculous. Q: You'll capture and edit? A: I can do both, but I'd rather edit clips sent to me. Capturing can be a hassle, especially when I have to play all of them on my own Xbox, from your File Share. In this way, if you have clips already, or if you're willing to pay, I'll work on your video first. Q: I want to pay to get priorities. How much will it cost? A: It all depends on the length of your video. Remember that paying is only an option. Think of it as buying a Fast Pass. 0-1 minute video: 1 Month Gold XBL OR $8.00 1-3 minute video: 3 Months Gold XBL OR $15.00 3-6 minute video: 1600 Microsoft Points OR $20.00 6 minute video or longer: 4000 Microsoft Points OR 1 Year Gold XBL OR $45.00 Q: Can I choose the music for this video? A: Yes, but it can't be anything that isn't royalty-free. If any of you know FBWalshyFTW, poster of Halo 3 montages, then you're probably aware that he was banned from YouTube because his montages had copyrighted songs in them. So, ROYALTY FREE MUSIC ONLY. Q: What format will the video be in when you finish making it? A: When I'm finished, I'm going to post the video on my YouTube account ( From here, you can embed the video wherever you want. My doing so allows me to keep all of my work in one central location, and will also get my viewers to download your maps. My subscriber count is low at the moment, but videos get between 200-1,000 views, and, if you're like one of my videos, you could get over 40,000 views. Q: Do I post in this thread, or send a Private Message? A: Actually, I'd prefer that you post in this thread, so that it's popularity increases, and it doesn't sink into the abyss of dead threads. Posting on this thread is also better because it doesn't take up the small amount of space in my ForgeHub inbox. If you ever want or need to PM, though, feel free. Q: I have more questions, how do I ask dem? A: Post a comment. I'll put your question in this FAQ thing perhaps. Q: Why am I still reading this? A: I don't know, post a comment instead. -E19
All of those videos look like they were done in a few hours, not a day (I'd say no offense, but that never helps). If I were to ask you to make a trailer for one of my upcoming maps, be honest: How long would you spend on it? And what if I payed awesome pickup lines?
Indeed, by a day I meant that I made it within a day (4 hours max), sorry if that was confusing. I'd be sure to make it as intense as you want it. It depends on how hardcore you want the video to be, really. If you're the first project, I've definitely got the time. Regardless, I would never rush video making. No need to pay in anything, but you can never go wrong with pickup lines!
OK so how much for you to capute a and edit a vid for 2 of my maps 1.reconstruct 2.vaetilion message me with ur answer ill pay and ill send u friend request so we can get busy
It depends on how long you want each video to be. Check out these prices: 0-1 minute video 1 Month Gold XBL OR $8.00 1-3 minute video 3 Months Gold XBL OR $15.00 3-6 minute video 1600 Microsoft Points OR $20.00 6 minute video or longer 4000 Microsoft Points OR 1 Year Gold XBL OR $45.00
wait were not in the same zone how would xbl µsoft point payment work ??? + i mean to tell u that my greind just bought a capture card so im going to go with his tough i love if u could edit the films P.s i would love a professianll to get my videos captured but i dont have nuch of a working payment op going with u so sorry
0-1 minute video: 1 Month Gold XBL OR $8.00 1-3 minute video: 3 Months Gold XBL OR $15.00 3-6 minute video: 1600 Microsoft Points OR $20.00 6 minute video or longer: 4000 Microsoft Points OR 1 Year Gold XBL OR $45.00 ^really? Those prices are ****ing ridiculous. I hope no one pays 45 dollars for a 6 minute video.
My services are free. Paying is only an option, if a client wants to get his project done before others'. Additionally, I don't think you quite understand that my time is valuable. Capturing and editing a six minute video could take about 28 hours. That means I'm getting only $1.6 an hour. I make more money than that without doing anything, simply from ads in my Flash games. If you really are looking for professional-grade work, these prices are very very reasonable. Again, my services are free, paying is just an option. @BaconStrips - Once you purchase the code for a 1 month, etc. you simply send it over once I'm finished with your project.
I don't think anyone will pay for this. To be honest, so you really need a profesionaly edited 3-4 minutes Halo 3 video? No one does, thats the fact. Maybe Bungie, but I doubt they will pay you man. I suggest you just do the videos at your pace for free like I do. I make 5-6 videos a month now, plus a side Machinima which is about to be released. So, just take it easy. Also, I could make as much money as you would make for a three six minutes videos, in 2o minutes just playing CoD.
I'm doing this for free! Read initial post please! I put up prices because a client said he might be willing to pay. YouTube- "Drive-Thru" Halo 3 Map for Machinima
ShareCash.Org - Babybaconstrips.wmv hey i have a question can you take this video and edit it and make it more visible for me if you could that be great thank you very much -Baby bacon strips
Could you host it on a more reliable file hosting site first? That hosting site you have the video uploaded to now involves content that makes me think of malware (forcing me to take a quiz to download, its name, and the fact that pop-ups ask me to stay on the site when I try to close it). MAJOR UPDATE I can now record in full awesome maxed-out super sexy 1080p HDMI quality. I just purchased a new capture card.
I edited what I've originally posted... bad titles, bad camera angles, good voice acting, bad idea, bad setup... Sorry dude, but I am rather experienced in machinima. This is not worth the optional price... Even though you are free, I would be certain you could get better quality editors elsewhere if you were so inclined.
My friends enjoyed it, I enjoyed it, and the guy I was making for enjoyed it. Quit being a troll. Titles? The title of the video is the title of the map. Sorry if that was lost in translation. Camera angles? Really? I'm glad you liked the voice acting... Setup? Want to throw me a few pointers? If you're experienced in machinima, I'd love to see some of your work.
I just want to know, what do you use to capture? I personally use the Hauppauge 1212. Now I just need an HD Telelvision so I can go from 720p to 1080p!
For the videos up currently, I use a Pinnacle Ultimate capture card. I have, however, JUST now purchased a BlackMagic Intensity Pro capture card, which will allow me to capture in full HD. Haha, true that.. it's definitely a different experience!
EDIT: whoa, FH glitched out lol... My friends enjoyed it, I enjoyed it, and the guy I was making for enjoyed it. Quit being a troll. Friends and peers aren't the people you want reviewing are others in machinima Titles? The title of the video is the title of the map. Sorry if that was lost in translation. You just need to integrate them more, they stuck out like they didn't belong and looked very unprofessional. Camera angles? Really? Yes, really, they are VERY important. I'm glad you liked the voice acting... I did, it was great. Setup? Want to throw me a few pointers? Yes, make the viewer understand what is happening better... And for map overviews, film the map(unless asked to make a trailer, but you should still include some fly-by angles If you're experienced in machinima, I'd love to see some of your work. YouTube- The Assassin-Episode 1/Trailer (Halo 3 Machinima) My worst ever, but the only one I've uploaded. I haven't completed anything since Assassin Ep 2 because I'm stuck with school, sports, and shitty staff members in my productions.
You know, that's a pretty good video. I expected you to simply flame up the thread without anything to back your words, but you came through with this. I can't say that my video was as lesser as you made it sound to be, however. With what I was working with, by myself, I still feel like I did a great job. That was my first machinima as well.. I've never even touched anything like that before.
I'm not saying you shouldn't be proud of it. It's very great for a first machinima. I was just assuming that you must be experienced since you were optionally charging. I suggest you work on your skills a lot. It takes LOADS of practice. Be very patient, it gets you far in this buisness(Machinima). Most people(including a younger me) pump a video out in a day or two, expecting a lot. I've had a video or two I've worked on for WEEKS, and decided not to upload it. It feels like ****, but I have better videos coming... I am constantly testing out my writing, editing, and filming skills to improve. My next tier of videos WILL BE good, I can guarantee it because I now know what it takes. The only other thing I can say is watch a lot of it... I suggest DigitalPh33r, Kootra, and almost anything featured on's youtube page(besides their own, they're gaming discussion shows, etc.)
Hey I have a map pack ready to be released (its 3 maps) and I was wondering if you could make me a video for them (like a minute and half for all three combined, so bout 30sec. a map) I would really appreciate it. I dont have any form of payment but if you want to you could put up a thing at the end saying video created by ElementNineteen. thanks