Hey there Children =) I'm here to give you a little preview of my Conquest Map Neon Sun. Neon Sun will (hopefully) be relased on March 1st. I only have 3 pictures for you, since the rest of the map isnt done yet. I hope you like it.
Wow, well presented and advertised! Kudos. I've play tested a map similar to this recently. It also is conquest and is attached to the top of the tower. The layout is kinda flawed but it plays okay and is aestheticly beautiful. I would love to have a closer look at this map. I just enjoy looking at the designs of maps, it gets my brain going ;p If you get a chance could I have a look at this? Otherwise some more screen shots would be nice!
another evening (where i live) another neon sun picture. From now on i will post a new one every day until march 1st, enjoy =) To start this off, i have one of the best pictures ever, my first concept of the map. Drawn in french class on the back of a paper, with my sexy pink an purple fineliners (i dont know of they are called like that somewhere else ^^) A little expelantion: Red stuff are open areas where you can fall down and die. Purple stuff are closed areas where you can't fall down ... -.- i know, im not funny the pink and purple drawing in the middle of the map are ramps, the pink side is the low side and the purple side is the high side. White pieces are normal floor. The black thing n the middle is the tower. You may see 2 skulls, these are very important parts of the map. The one skull is ... oh wait, its almost 9 pm, time for bed, see you tomorow with more information and a new picture. + Try to figure our what the skull might be, it inst that hard if you are able to read my handwriting. + Thank you for all your comments, im happy that im causing so many erections <3
Conquest!? up there!? Not the first map to be put next to guardian ASSASSINinWH1TE's Beacon was first....i think? But this still looks epic. Clean smooth...and its like 5 buzillian feet high. Nice
5 Days This time i have 2 new pictures for you guys, enjoy: If you came across my latest post, i mentioned a 'skull', well, here it is, its a little death pit. You will die as soon as you touch the bottom of the tower, so you fall quite long. This is what the front part of the map looks like from 'below'. You may notice several columns. you are able to land on the two large columns on the right of the picture when falling down the death pit, but why would you want to. All the columns are just there to make to map look nicer. (I <3 Aesthetics) I think Beacon inspired me to forge up there, and since i have never seen a conquest map up there and searched for something 'special' i thought lets give it a trie. Its about as high as the skybubble, but somehow it seems to be higher because of the distance to the actual sandbox ground level. See you tomorrow ladies
I really love how the placement of the map gives it that metallic look. I'm sure this map will turn out well even with death pits.
Im not a big fan of the death pit in the middle territory.The the rest of the map looks qiute interesting and I hope to try this baby out.
Well, should I redesign the middle if noone likes deathpits? some more opinions on that topic please ^^ Today I have no pictures for you, sorry, I cant sign into my account on my cmputer so i am online withmy phone. Instead of pictures i present you the weapon list: SMG 4x Sniper 2s needler 2x BR 4x Brute Shot 1x Frags 2x Spikes 4x
The deathpits are fine. It's the idea of being high up and the chance of falling of that makes any map on the towers that bit better. I think calling it a deathpit is not a smart idea because technically it's not a pit ;p As for the new screenshots, I love the coloured effects on the tower, I also like the supports for the map. The HLG aspect of dropping down there is fine as long as they don't have a view of the map and aren't in the hill.