Question: Why does the vast majority of America have to manipulate/exploit every single game out for every single platform? Answer: Because they naturally aren't good at anything and have to make things easier for themselves by cheating. I'm really getting rather tired of entering games on Halo and getting someone who just jumps up and down on the spot because they "believe" it helps them level their friends up. What these "bad kids" dont understand is that they DONT help their friends level up. In fact, it makes their chances of levelling up WORSE. Why do they not understand the concept of "if you win more consecutively you will go up more" instead they seem to think "if you lose more, your friends go up more quickly" < WRONG. If your "booster" friend is on your team, he's just destroyed the value you've worked your arse off to keep from skill 1. Him constantly losing, puts his ranking up stuff to the absolute minimum. Considering your going into a team with him, your average ranking up stuff gets brought drastically DOWN because of his extremely low lack of wins ranking stuff. So what i want to know is... WHY DO YOU AMERICANS DO THIS IF IT DOESNT ACTUALLY HELP YOUR FRIENDS?!?! Also, why do you guys actually need to exploit the game further when you gain host over nearly every match presented to you?
It seems you made a rage thread after being paired with some "booster"s. It's not necessary to vent in the form of making a thread(s). Also, as CriminaL said, boosting is much more complicated than losing a lot.
well to be fair.. i think out of the 1028902842 players that ive met and seen do this, 99.99% are american. so thats where that came from. And why would i need to understand the concept of deranking? surely the concept is either a) a person was carried to a high skill level so they feel good and think theyre **** hot at the game and now is getting costantly raped and wish to derank to play lower skilled players so they can once again, think theyre **** hot at the game and still have the same level or b) what i posted originally pretty much fits it. considering 4 of you who posted all tried defending the idea of deranking, im assuming you all do it. so why??? Also this doesnt just happen on halo... COD4, i met americans who would glitch out of maps and behind scenery which allowed them to shoot through it and kill me, yet when i shot in their direction, the bullets wouldnt penetrate through the scenery. Halo wars, for the first week the game suceeded, patches actually werent needed and the game was played as it was designed and tested. as soon as it was released to america, leader rushing and warthog rushes were born causing ensemble to redesign their units power/strengths/speed etc so it wasnt an unfair match. mw2, people use the "elevator" to reach unreachable places just so they have an advantage in game. this list goes on and on and on really..
...None of them defended deranking... they all asked why you blamed America... or suggested to blame France. Next, people will ALWAYS exploit glitches, why? Because it is sometimes "fun" or "funny." An example was the javelin glitch on MW2 before it was fixed, it was just fun to do. The other reason why people do it is because others can't. Why wouldn't you use something that worked well? That takes me to my next point: Halo Wars. You talk about "Americans ruining the game" by rushing? Okay, it worked well, why WOULDN'T I use a strategy that worked well. If you haven't noticed, there is rushing in EVERY RTS game. That is how they work, that is why you scout your enemy and see what they are doing. That is why base turrets exist. I know this saying is overdone, but "learn to play." When you get beaten in a game, figure out how to counter it and play again. Over time you will be able to know what people are doing by who they are playing as and with one simple scout of their base. This is how games work. Players come up with "cheap" strategies, and it is the players job to beat them.
it isnt possible to "learn to counter" a guy whos on your team jumping up and down repeatedly. I just got angry and posted this thread because although i avoided that guy, i got put on his team 5 games in a row which i lost because he was being a complete ***. I really just wanna know WHY. And for the hw thing, i did counter rushing, all the time, my team mates however, couldnt. Which again caused me to lose. I just get the most unreal feeling that xbox live is completely and utterly against me. If theres someone exploiting a game in a way that benefits the enemy team, i have them on my team. If theres someone exploiting a game in a way that benefits their team, theyre on the enemy team. 90% of the my games on xbl, i get the most retarded team mates on my team and the enemy team consists of all people are competent enough not to sit playing with sticks unlike the guys on my team who give the impression they spend the majority of their life licking the windows. And as i mentioned earlier, i blamed america because 99% of the time, it is americans. I know i said all americans exploit, but i only meant why are all exploiters american. its not that i hate americans, i just hate the fact the majority have to cheat to win. and i would love to blame france, except i never see the french in games because they all play la ponge or something.......
First off, you said "4 of us". By this, I must assume I am included in this 4, since I, and a total of 3 others, posted before you did again. Second: Use some ****ing reasonable numbers if you want "to be fair". 3rd: If a whole team is doing it, everyone deranks. Everyone becomes a lower level than they truly are, and they'll play lower level people. The rate at which one ranks up is faster than the rate of ranking down, so losing a lot of games, then winning a few will have drastic changes to your rank. (BTW, people caught doing this should be getting bans from Bungie).Also, you've got to be an idiot if you think those are the only two ways of boosting. Fourth: Oh, so I boost 99.99% of the time, since, y'know, I'm automatically assumed to be American (I am, that's not the ****ing point), and I didn't even mention my position on promoting or antagonizing it.That seems totally fair. All I did was tell you that you've made a rant thread when 1) it's looked down upon in our forums and 2) you do it so horribly. Proof? Finally, glitching is something I do not approve, but What can I say? Americans ****ing fight dirty. Unless they modded or glitched in the games (I wouldn't know, I don't own HW), then it's fair game. I do NOT wall-breach or elevator. And I felt like adding that, just in case you still think this "cheating" American does. I use whatever is within the normal limits of the game to be as effective as possible in any game, FPS or not. That includes Zerg rushing with hogs (if I had HW), Models/RPGing/Noobtube-Danger Close-OMA in MW2, etc.
Honestly I played Halo MM like five days ago and alls my teammates did was take the flag I had stolen and bring it to the enemy's base. So you know what I did I blew him up with the rockets and got a kick out of it. It's only a game and yes I like to enjoy my games also by going up in rank, but the difference between me two years ago and now is. I have accepted their will always be jackasses ruining the fun of a game and to laugh at them instead of get mad at them.
If you wish to hate against Americans because of the unjustified statistics you made up in the posts above (though I have played with the people you describe, and they do annoy me as well, but so what if their American, it's not a plague or a hinderance, it's just how it works), then just set the Halo MM playlist to local area and play with all your "goody no-boosting British people"(No offence to the British), if you say that cheating comes from America only. And if there's still boosting, learn to live with it. If there's not, then problem solved.
This. First: Boosting sucks, but it happens and there really is no way around it unless Bungie implements a new system instead of Microsofts Trueskill system, but they seriously don't care because they don't want their ranks to suck as much as CoD where the best and the worst have the same rank. Second: Don't blame America for boosters. There are idiots in the world, and they exist everywhere. You greatly exaggerate your statistics and say things like 99.9% of boosters are Americans, yet there are so many boosters from other nations such as Canada, UK, Australia, a few other European nations and Mexico (yes they have shown up before). Third: Watch where you rage. Why are you angrily expressing your thoughts of a video game to the website for fans of that video game? Just saying, don't get mad if very few agree with you because everyone is a fan of the game...
ok first of all HALO IS A GAME, most gamers now think it's their life which means there on it 24/7 yes boosting does suck an all but no game will be perfect there will be always glitches and crap. Hey i even got banned by microsoft because one game my team where boosters. ( i got that cleaned up btw) Halo is just a game and there is no need to rage on this website about it
Alright guys, how're you all doing? Good, I'm fine thanks. K so this thread is pretty horrible and belongs amongst the youthful crowds that populate the majority of's forums, so if you wouldn't mind it's probably best this sort of thing stays over there. Ta-ta for now!