YouTube- Halo 3 Forge Map COMPOUND NOTE: Video was made before the final weapon variation was decided. Sniper rifle was removed, and Plasma Pistol and Overshield traded places.(all timers remain the same) Description: Compound is a height oriented symmetrical skybubble map. Inspired by the tower on the Halo 3 campaign level "Halo" that you fight your way up against the flood to meet up with Sgt. Johnson. It also pulls alot of inspiration from maps like Construct and The Pit, using the "Top vs. Bottom" gameplay of Construct with the tacticalness of The Pit, to blend into a faster paced all out Team Slayer map. That's right, Compound's strongest gametype is Team Slayer, however it does support KotH and CTF 5 Flag as well. When I originally started my ideas for Compound, I had more plans for it to be an ATLAS varient to go into matchmaking. While I still want to do that, I also knew it could play MLG style as well. Some decisions I made were to make players fight in new situations all the time. From close quarters battles in the tunnels, medium range battles down the streets, and longer range LOS from the smaller lift side of the map. Knowing most people don't like playing in tubes I wanted to show that you CAN build MLG maps outside of the box. The tunnels themselves are really a necessity to gameplay. They provide a great spawning location, much like Constructs basement except smaller to not slow down gameplay. They also provide safe transitions from one side to the other which improves map flow tremendously. They also make it much more of a risk to go for the power item in there if you have top control. There are a total of technically 8 ways to the top. 2 lifts, 2 ramps, 2 jump-ups and 2 "sword legs". This offers more ways to attack the team with top control and regain it for your team, yet keep the balance of strength the top requires for a map like this to work. Despite Compounds influences, it plays slayer at a much faster pace than Pit or Const. The geometry and weapon layout force more confrontation even from the very start of the game than most other circuit maps leaving the average game time between 5-7 minutes. Weapons: 6 - BR's(10 sec.) 1 - Carbine(60 sec.) 1 - Plasma Pistol(120 sec.) 1 - Rocket Launcher(180 sec.) 1 - Overshield(120 sec.) 4 - Frags(30 sec.) 6 - Plasmas(30 sec.) Gametypes: MLG TS(recommended) MLG FFA MLG KotH MLG CTF 5 Flag 2-8 Players Pictures: DOWNLOAD COMPOUND Thanks for checking out Compound and please leave some constructive feedback.
This is amazing... You layered the map very nicely... I remember checking outbsome of ur maps back when I joined and this is probably one of the most epic maps I've ever seen.
Cool map. The video didnt really load for me but i will check it out later. From the looks of it you can really tell what you based it off of, although from the looks of it the map seems quite tiny, but thats just from looks, im sure the inside makes the map seem huge. With all these different ways to get up, i cant wait to play it.
I just finished the campaign and this totally resembles that tower you fight your way up. too bad bungie didnt include "deployable turrets" in the equipment set for forge. Another thing that would have been cool is if you 'spawn dropped' something from the sky to replicate the Flood drop pods that rain down hell. I remember on that level I found a fuel rod gun, a flamethrower, brute shots, shotguns, sentinel beams, assault rifles and battle rifles. Most people hate on heavy weapon sets but If you ever make a heavier version let me know What is a sword leg?
I think its a pretty neat map. I honestly hate the outside appearance but it looks gorgeous on the map itself. (The outside appearance doesn't matter, but you show it a lot) Anyway It looks fun to play on and I'd love to DL and check out sometime. Also, the "Sword Legs" I'm guessing are the columns in the first picture that lead up to the middle area.