Description: Arbitration is a symetrical map built on the mid level of Sandbox. The map was designed for multi-team slayer, team slayer, and multi-flag. It features two main bases along with four mini bases. In multi team, each team will start at a mini base. Each mini base contains a mongoose and each main base contains a warthog. Arbitration was inspired by the Forerunner structure that the Halo 2 campaign levels "The Arbiter" and "The Oracle" take place on, hence the name. I tried to create some unique looking structures while maintaining solid gameplay. There is a great mix of on-foot and in-vehicle combat. Weapons: 8 Battle Rifles 4 plasma rifles 2 carbines 2 needlers 2 rocket launchers 2 plasma cannons Equipment: 8 plasma grenades 2 regenerators 2 grav-lifts 1 overshield Vehicles: 4 mongeese 2 warthogs Screenshots: Overview: Centerpiece: Rear of Blue Base: 1 of 2 turret platforms: Bottom of 1 of 4 mini bases: Upper level of 1 of 4 mini bases: Structurally the map is most likely complete, I'm considering adding some small structures in the corners of the map. The map is being tested this Saturday. A video of this map will be up in the near future thanks to Element Nineteen. All feedback is welcome.
The center along with the walkways connecting to the center remind me a lot of Assembly, just without the Dome in the center. The LOS are a little large right now IMO, might want to add structures or cover to break them more. It looks like vehicles are the main unit on the ground while players are on the platform on top, and to me that sounds new and interesting. I have faith in this, good luck.
I agree that LOS may be a problem but it really does look nice and very unique. Be sure to invite me to testing, I really want to see how this plays.
I was actually very careful to place objects in places where they would break up sightlines. I took another look at LOS today and it looked good. The picturs are a bit misleading, theres more blockage than you might notice jst from looking at them. And Phenom, Ill be sure to ivite you, testing thread is here BTW:
sightlines blah blah blah blah these dont matter FLOWPATHS MATTER sightlines naturally follow these Your sightlines are perfect, but the flow is not all it could be. Personally I prefer to have a way to climb up to the top of the map without getting owned by people cherry picking up there. I like the map and it will play perfectly well, but I see so much potential for it. If you merge man-cannons into the ground so people and even warthogs could jump up to and over the catwalks the two levels could work together. I have nothing against you map, and the structures look absolutely incredible, beyond what I can merge, but I think it could be even greater.
Well, the pictures don't really show it but theres actually ton of places where you can get to the top 4 minibases with one grav-lift and two climbable areas each 2 main bases with one ramp and two climbable areas each 2 deployable grav-lifts But I'll definately look into adding some more.
I understand that people can climb up at each of the bases, but what are they to do if they fall down near the center. Being gunned down by warthogs is never nice. The deployable gravlifts might also not lift players high enough to reach many of the upper areas, because they only lift two block lengths. It still seems that giving more paths to the upper level would be better. Requiring any players to climb an area is usually a terrible idea.
During testing, I found out that this map did a lot of things right, but suffered from several issues. The vehicles were overpowering, there wasn't enough cover to hide from the warthogs on the lower level, and the upper level needed more cover as well. The spawns also weren't up to par. I'm making quite a few changes. These include adding plasma pistols on the upper level for disabling vehicles below, lengthening respawn times for warthogs, moving spawn points, and adding more cover on both the upper and lower level of the map. I should have screenshots of some of the changes soon.