damn FINALLY you put the changes up. Spartan Laser at the base?!?! wtf wer you THINKING heh jk but yea...spartan laser should have been out in the middle form the start. Only thing I dont agree with is the turret, i used it all the time and found it being used, so I'm moving it back.... All your other changes are great...but mostly they kinda should have been there in the start.....good job though, great map
Don't be rude. Not "Finally". I edited the post before you sent me that message and probably before your post in this thread! The turret issue, but it was too powerful. One team could get the ghost, rockets and the turret and pretty much dominate the other team. Its not how much it is used, it is how it used. Please don't. I even added that barrrier to the edge of that platform and the original turret was carefully placed so it had a limited line of sight so it couldn't dominate the whole of the front area of the warehouse. I had also put a power drainer in its place. So by just "moving it back" you totally change the map. The power drainer would be a good tool for taking out the turret wielder, its not good if the turret guy also has the power drainer! Don't put it back.
wait so the Turret has not been completely ommitted, but moved? by the way what germerging changes did you do again
you sir are a genius. i like the crane idea, and have seen many good ideas like this one was go to hell fast. i'll DL when possible.
I love the way this map looks. I'm going to DL it and check it out right now! Aesthetically pleasing for sure.
First thought: Hey, I made a made called Short Straw, too. Second thought: Oh, it is my map. Third thought: How are people downloading it? I took it off my fileshare months ago! But anyways... seeing as you've bumped it, the map is still available and the actual Longshore has now been released I guess it won't hurt if I say somethings. Wow, Longshore turned out to be quite different to what I was expecting... actually, Short Straw turned out to be different to what I was expecting from Longshore. I might go over some things (like the weapons) to see if I can make a more Longshore-like Short Straw.