Multi, i don't think many people at FH knows what the February Forge challenge is... Anyways, I only played MultiMythOn one time, and was the teams were very uneven, since it was 'Everyone who played on the map before' vs 'People who played the map for the first time'. Anyways, I'm interested to see what you add to it, since using Sandbox's features will give you a lot more potential.
it looks interesting and an almost definite dl when released.. not much else I can say from the pictures you have shown.. Oh and, [sorry for the offtopicness] where did u get that clip in ur sig from cory??
It's so hard to tell what the map looks like from these pictures! I suppose you don't want to give away everything anyway.. The bottom left picture kind of gives me a feel of parts, but it still looks bare. :O Excited for release! Halo Reach ViDoc
I'm very excited for this one. Good luck in the competitor-filled contest over at XF, but I definitely believe you guys have a big chance considering how impressive the gameplay on MultiMythOn was - not to mention I bet the map looks beautiful in the remake. I would love to get a game on this, so feel free to invite me anytime.
Yeah, but in all seriousness there were some balance issues in this new version, but I think we got it all sorted out. Glad to hear, Urban Ace and I have put a lot of work into this. I would've had better pictures if a certain Ace of a certain Spade didn't get so lazy on me. Thank you good sir.
Excuse the bump; I updated the OP with more pics since lots of people were requesting it. Just to give a little taste of what's to come. And expect the post of this map soonish, we've undergone testing for the past month or so.
Foundry Legend? What Remake? Links Please. I need to see from what pics you have and what the Legend Foundry Map is. Looks cool. I like how snow is in the pics. Cant wait for the release.
Ummm, it has a mancannon at the defender's base if that's what you're thinking of. It leads to some catwalks.
This map looks very impressive. I like the height you have got and how quite a few objects are set at quirky angles creating a nice effect.