I loved the regular RE5, and I was wondering if the DLC (Lost in Nightmares) was any good? because I know Multiplayer was worthless, I was wondering if this was any good? Gametrailers' review for it made me want to go buy it, but If anyone had hands on knowledge, that would help more.
Or you could just wait until March 9th and get the Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition which comes with all the little DLC you might be missing along with some improvements and weapons, if I remember correctly. As for me, I'm thinking about getting the Gold Edition but it's one of those games that I could just wait a bit to get since Final Fantasy comes out on the 9th and so does a whole bunch of other games I want comes out on the 9th. If I bought every game that I want in March then I would have spent a good $350 dollars with only like $50 dollars taken off for my employee discount all together.
It was ultra short, but I enjoyed it. It was like 400 points... Not much outta MY pocket, but i understand not everyone has spendable money. It was crazy close to the original game. It brought back alot of memories. I recommend it for someone who loved RE and just wants to revisit some of those memories.