Ownership of this thread is being passed to MickRaider! Campaign: -Noble Six is the playable character. -His armor is customizable for both campaign and multiplayer.* -Elites return as enemies. -Skirmishers, related to Jackals, make their first appearance as enemies. -Many more AI will be supported on screen than ever before. -Campaign levels will be massive. -Engineers have been confirmed as enemies. -Brutes may appear. -Grunts return as enemies. -Jackals return as enemies. -UNSC Army soldiers will be featured, as well as Marines. Multiplayer -Map titled, "Powerhouse," will be in Reach. -Armor abilities, acting like equipment, will be featured. -Armor abilities have recharge times. -"Barrel Roll" ability (not armor ability) confirmed. -"Sprint" armor ability confirmed. -A jetpack of sorts has been confirmed. Good bye trick jumps. -Elites confirmed for multiplayer. -Active Roster confirmed, meaning that players will be able to join mid-game in Matchmaking. -3rd person assassinations will be possible in Multiplayer. -3rd person assassinations involve both the attacker and the victim zooming out to 3rd person. -Territory and Hill designs have been changed. -Two new gametypes, "Headhunter," featuring DMRs and flaming skulls that pop out of your own head when shot, and "Invasion Slayer," an Elite vs Spartan gametype. -"Personal Shield" as been added, powerful enough to deflect ghost splatters. Weapon List -Assault Rifle -Pistol -Designated Marksman Rifle (DMR) -Sniper Rifle -Shotgun -Grenade Launcher -Rocket Launcher -Unidentified Covenant Rocket Launcher, with homing rounds. Possibly a new fuel rod. -Needler -Plasma Pistol -Plasma Rifle -Needle Rifle -Epic Beam weapon, looks similar to a Sentinel beam, but in rifle form. -Energy Sword -Gravity Hammer -Plasma Grenades -Frag Grenades -Fuel Rod Gun* -Spartan Laser* (major unconfirmed) Vehicle List -Falcon -Warthog (variants included) -Mongoose -Spirit (dropship) -Phantom (dropship) -Ghost -Wraith -Scorpion -Banshee -Civilian Vehicles (trucks, cars, etc.) Weapon Detail -AR will feel like the Halo CE AR. -AR will spark realistically if bullets are shot at rocks or other solid objects. -Pistol with scope returns. 2x zoom. -Reticule bloom shown, meaning that the reticule expands when a weapon is fired. -DMR has 12 round clip. -DMR has 3x zoom. -New assassination sequence shown, featuring a combat knife. -Needler has been redesigned. -Plasma Pistol has been redesigned. Vehicle Detail -The Falcon, a dropship-esque human vehicle, is driveable in Campaign and Multiplayer. -Mongooses now have rear-view mirrors, but usability is uncertain. -Vehicle physics improved. -Banshee has been redesigned. -Scorpion has been redesigned, but keeps the H3 design turret. Combat Detail -Night vision featured. -Energy shield detail has been vastly improved. -4 grenades of each type can be held. -HUD is blue. Possibly customizable, but very unlikely. -Elites have green HUDs. -Writing near motion tracker tells you where you're at on the map. Ex: "Concrete Walkway." Characters All named characters are from Noble Team. -Noble Six (S-312) -Kat (S-320) -Jorge (S-052) -Carter (S-259) -Emile (S-239) -Jun (S-266) Various -New Grunt armor is shown, as well as a new face-mask design. -Graphics are vastly improved. -Stuff is awesome. -Bullet sparks (not just AR) will be super sexy. -Armor customization gives much more of a variety than before. -Movement looks fluid and realistic, even during Sprinting. -Multiplayer BETA will be released on May 3rd. -4x the polygons for designing characters. In other words, smexy faces, outfits, and such. -Forge and Theater make a return, along with Matchmaking and a "super secret" mode. -Beat-downs look much more fluid. *Haven't seen or heard about for sure; unconfirmed. Italicized points are those typed by other posters in this thread. Feel free to add things to this list. I came up with most of these from the top of my head, but I had webpages open while typing this.
Awesome post, great to see everything in one spot. Needless to say, yeah, they're taking the BR away because it apparently supports boring combat. Who would've thought? You might want to add that they made a big deal about bullet sparks being super sexy, that they're working with 4x the model quality, and that the lighting looks fantastic.
You forgot the mini-cut-scenes your characters launch into when you kill people in certain ways. (During an assassination you snap the enemy's neck by twisting their head)
Good point. That's a big deal, too. I hope they can pull that off without making it ridiculously annoying. I'm expecting the animation clip to get in the way a ton.. like, whenever you're in the animation for assassinating, you get shot, or you fall off, etc. Hope they avoid that somehow.
I hope they do too, in Dragon Age: Origins they have a similar thing, killing enemies with melee weapons often triggers cut-scenes, (Example) Spoiler e.g. you melee attack an ogre and strike the killing blow, it stutters back, then you jump up and it enters slow motion as you stab the ogre in the heart, the one flaw being that the entire game enters slow motion when that happens, however your character is invulnerable while this happens and doesn't regenerate health or shields.
Assassination sequence was already on the list, but ideas suggested or pointed out by other users will be added and italicized. I'll italicize that for you two.
4x the polygons for 4x the NPC detail. also, I belive the beta comes out in time for the may long weekend. (no sleep for me.)
I see you forgot to mention the Spartan Laser. It's in one of the first Halo: Reach screenshots, and it has a small viewing screen attached to it.
Agreed, as cool as the assassinations are now, it's just a gimmick, and could get in the way in multiplayer.
I'll add it, but it was in those "leaked" screenshots, most of which have turned out to be true. However, since I haven't seen the Splazer in any other instances, I'll mark it as unconfirmed.
You should make all new info a slightly off gray color, that way people will know what is added from the original post. I might be the only one that wants this though...
True, it's not in any other instances, but neither was the Scorpion, or the Ghost, or the Banshee, or the Rocket Launcher. But we still know that they'll be in the game.
Well, theoretically, yes. But, I don't want to be super hasty. If you'd like, I could put them all down, but marked as unconfirmed.
I wouldn't put down stuff like the ghost, banshee, and scorpion because those are givins. I suggest keeping the list to stuff that wasnt previously in games, or things that got totally upgraded ie: graphics