It seems to me that, every time I end a match on Longshore, whether it be in Matchmaking or Custom Games, a wave/tidal splash sound plays in the game lobby. Can anyone verify this? Has anybody heard this?
Oh, I've heard it before, along with many others. The wave sound heard when you end Longshore is also heard when you end High Ground and I think Last Resort. They all have water in the actual map, so it plays a factor into why it does it, but I think it's just a little bug/glitch that you have to live with, no big deal, not a conspiracy or some ****. Lol.
Haha, I'm quite aware that it isn't a conspiracy, I was just wondering if anybody else had heard the sound. Good to know.
Yup. It always happens to me if I die in the water, then quit. I arrive in the lobby with a splush sound. Sometimes the "beep beep beep boop" sound is there too.
Ah, that makes sense then. It's probably more of the sound crossing over. Not a glitch, but simply something not tidied.