
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Krazy Kumquat, Feb 12, 2010.

  1. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Hell 30, if their pushing the limits then btb slayer should be 15 on 15, Imagine that 2 tanks going at it, splazer, grenade luancher's, rockets, mb rocket pods, Falcons it would be insane. Not to mention a horde of Mongoose and Warthogs to go with the tank.

    I really hope for a larger coag, same setup but just ****ing huge.
  2. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    I read in some interview [no source, sorry] that this game is gonna be all about large terrains and big combat. I dont think the picture we see is fully depicting the big picture overall.

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    Agreed. The area inside the rock on the right is likely just as large as the building on the left is. And there's an entire section behind the building we cannot see.

    I almost think that Powerhouse may end up being a 2-base map suited for both symmetric and asymmetric gametypes. Like, Beaver Creek meets Headlong kinda style. 2 bases that aren't symmetric, but still fair.. that kinda thing. There may even be another bridge/path over to the left we aren't seeing.
  4. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    I'm feeling it's going to be massive. As well, it is just concept art but I'm not a big fan of the pallet. Nor do I like the idea of single player areas being a direct transfer to multiplayer maps. I'm pretty pessimistic overall, unless it's a smaller map.
  5. ElementNineteen

    ElementNineteen Ancient
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    I really dislike SP/MP maps. I don't know why at all.

    Perhaps it's because I feel that a SP area could never have the interesting combat scenarios that a MP map provides, in a multiplayer situation.

    Like, Bungie's doing this in ODST made me sadded, a bit.
  6. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    There are 3 or 4 curved steps in the middle-left section of the picture.

    I think there's a large area to the left as well.
  7. PRS

    PRS Ancient
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    Im liking the look of the map overall, very human feel.

    I have some comments/things I've seen I want to share. the picture below is numbered 1 - 10 and the comments below the picture are numbered according to the picture, just to clarify.


    1. Barbed wire. Or at least it kinda looks like barbed wire to me. Could mean this is a forgable object or it can do damage, but it being there could mean that it along with the sandbag and stuff are forgable or it's exclusiveto the map(s).

    2. All of the transformers and generators around the map can provide some serious lighting effects and explosions, as well as possibly hurt or even kill people.

    3. Not sure what it is, but looks like some sort of zip-line, possibly a cool feature of the map?

    4. There are 2 doors leading inside thelling up that the inside of the building is multi-floored and is pretty large and spacious.

    5. Not sure if this area is a death pit of playable, but if it's playable it would be huge for flanking, though falling damage would effect how people get there if there is falling damage.

    6. Just pointing out that there is a needler rifle in his hands, so its probably a forgable weapon, not big news.

    7. I see a path from the rocks at the end to the little walkway around the dam, kinda cool.

    8. The door probably leads to a military underground base like feel but with like dam and water related stuff inside. Or just the inside of the cliff, a cave. WIN, right there.

    9. The little steps lead off to a new path somewhere else, though I can tell. It brings some sense that multi-levelness is important to the map.

    10. A lot is going on in the backround... It would be epic to walk across the giant dam in the back and snipe it out with a sniper or DMR, and would bring a whole lot of depth and vastness to the map, though there's no railing at the top so you could fall of or they might use it as just a map barrier. It would also be cool to walk inside the dam. I wonder whats behind that dam (the small dam near #7)... posssibly a dock with boats? The world may never know... for about 2 months! ZOMG

    That's what I got from it. Can't wait for the beta to roll around so I can play it.

  8. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    The update addressed this issue and said that multiplayer maps are designed on their own, then ported minorly into campaign.
  9. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    About #3, that's barbed wire or electrical cables. There's a scenery piece of a crane hook hanging down which might have given you the zip line idea.
    #29 Dreaddraco2, Feb 21, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2010
  10. PRS

    PRS Ancient
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    Oh, I don't really see it as barbed wire or a crane hook, but I'll take it you're probably right.

    Edit: Oh, I see it. they're 2 seperate peices. LOL I is a retard.

    Also found a pic on Halo: Reach Forums that shown what very well could be the inside of the doorway in the cliff (#8 in my Paint photo.)


    Looks like there's a hologram/switch type thing here that is of the structure in the middle of the photo, probably activates something like opens the dam, I'm not sure. But it looks cool though.

    Also, what weapon is the spatan holding?

    #30 PRS, Feb 21, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2010
  11. LIGHTSOUT225

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    That pic is just concept art. Though, we'll likely see that or something similar to it somewhere in the game.
  12. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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  13. ElementNineteen

    ElementNineteen Ancient
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    @chrstphrbrnnn- Alright, that's a relief to hear.

    We have to recognize that these screens are not from the game. Rather, they're simply pieces of concept art. From these paints, the model and design crew will make the area. These stills most likely came before the maps themselves, mind you.
  14. Plasma Rifle Elite

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    Well, when the Halo 3 Beta came out, they showed us map pics before the Beta was released, so doesn't it make sense that they'd do it for Reach too?
  15. mefire66

    mefire66 Ancient
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    It said on Bungie.net, this map is MP
  16. Col Keller

    Col Keller Ancient
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    it defiantly has an interesting style of architecture.

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