YouTube- The Pro is Trash Talking. Jebus. Downloaded the video, about to upload to my channel See the other video they posted as well, it got his wages docked when MS saw it
Time to bandwagon this video of The Pro abusing his power, because he bans so many people on XBL unjustly. Oh wait, he must be under scrutiny, because many people are use to getting their way and cheating on games. I wish more people would open their eyes and see the video was edited and it only tells the kids side of the story. One look in the kids youtube video collection shows a bunch of different ways to do mods in MW2.
That is true but that doesn't deter the fact he broke his TOS and very neally repeated the same TOS that got his wages docked, when he mutes the kid, that's when he neally breaks it a second time. TBH, if being abusive and using your powers unjustly is not against the Microsoft TOS, then that's complete and utter bullshit. They may be being biased but the proof is there, despite it being filmed by a biased party.
I would put up some sympathy here, but your YouTube account name is KorruptModding Studio. Some of what you're saying could be valid, but...
It's a second account, look at his name ¬.¬ Also, please don't spam, this discussion is not about modders, it's about ThePro being corrupt. Not my account, the name comes from the guys gamertag (KoruptData - Not exact gamertag because he probally doesn't want me to post that lol) and the genre of videos that he uploads, as I said with shannon, this is not a discussion about modding and if it should be banned or not, they didn't do anything to provoke the reaction they received and it just shows ThePro is corrupt.
WHAT SIDE? lol It's like someone getting shot and just going, but hey lets look at the facts! Yes, I agree knowing the facts would lighten the situation but that doesn't mean he didn't do what he did. If he was provoked, it may not have been shown but that doesn't mean he didn't ban him for the sake of it. He actually says, I will ban your accounts and any xbox's theyve ever been on. He doesn't have the right to do that because he could be banning innocent xbox's and when they try to get their xbox's unbanned they wont know whats wrong because they can't disclose the details of bans, AKA their ****ed for no other reason than a friend recovering an account on their xbox.
Saying is one thing, doing is another, and when provoked people say a lot of things. I saw that the video was 4 minutes long and knew that it would be heavily edited. We only saw the reaction, and if the saying "every action has an equal and opposite reaction" is anything to go by, then it would be safe to assume there was some antagonizing we so conveniently missed.
Just to let you guys know, this made it's way onto Kotaku, with an official statement from Billy G himself! Nah jks, but Microsoft did comment on the matter.
If you read it on Kotaku then you should have posted the unedited video as well, or do you just take everything at face value? YouTube- The pro: Banning on Xbox Live -Unedited- version
I didn't even link tot he Kotaku page so why question me linking to a video that is linked on that page. Fuzzy logic. Also, it doesn't look like you have read the posts in this thread because you would have seen this is a discussion about ThePro being corrupt (I should change the title to "Breaks TOA" TBH) and not whether his heart was in the right place or whether he was provoked or whether they deserved the ban. The fact remains he broke TOA/TOS/PA and should be disciplined. Also the video got updated with an interesting note on the first few seconds about him not banning ThePro's brother who apparently modded his 10th prestige. I don't know if thats fake or not, choose for yourself.
Let me show you how you're wrong, ready? Let's take a journey... YOU mentioned the video making it's way to Kotaku, no not me, YOU. That leads to only two possible scenarios: You went to the Kotaku post, in which case my statement as to why you, a user with so much foresight and intelligence as to blatantly jump on any bandwagon that seems to support a coup of any system, needed to post the unedited version of the video for the sake of saving bias. You READ that the post was on Kotaku, in which case, my inquiry, regarding you taking everything at face value without a healthy dose of logical skepticism, was just affirmed. So you're either biased or you're an idiot. You could've saved yourself either fate by not responding in an arrogant manner, but hey, fuzzy logic. Now, did I read through this thread, let's see. I read through every thread I comment in, why? Because I don't want to speak out of my ass like you sir. I like to be informed, be skeptical, logical. Clearly you can't understand that. I'm addressing your original post, I don't need to go through and start addressing your other retarded retorts if the Original Post remains the same. It's your fault you're inept and idiotic, not mine, but once again, I'll just regard it as your "fuzzy logic." As for breaking TOS, you would've learned, had you watched the video (which you either didn't, simply wanting to disregard for the sake of your already unfounded argument, or just don't care for) that he was responding to some incredibly crude comments. Now, this moderator, is a bit like me, doesn't take ****, and when someone TRIES to call me out with their idiotic banter (like you just did) I switch on heartless "you're ****ing yourself dumbass" mode and start calling the psych asylums, because you clearly have a mental disorder if you think you're justified in talking to me like that. I provide a service to the community, do you? No, no you don't (see I answered that for you, because you'd probably mistakenly say 'yes' because you're retarded). Now, this moderator replied in kind, albeit much, much nicer and blatant than I ever would have. I aim for suicides, not bans. In essence, if you're going to call me out, make sure you spend some time formulating your argument, because I can and will use it against you.
I highlighted where you broke the rules. I simply commented to the fact you called me out for not posting a piece of evidence which backs up the OT discussion in this thread that talks about ThePro "Being Provoked", which I agree with, but is OT. You obviously are encouraging OT discussion in this thread. If you feel "Fuzzy Logic" is an insult then please, believe me it wasn't and if you wish I will change it to "Quite OT" and if you think insulting people 9 times is good moderating then your quite wrong. PM me if you wish to continue this arguement. Topic is going to OT. Ohh and I will be PM'ing this to Insane. He will probally agree with you but hey, you broke the rules
Hey kid, I'm not going anywhere. The entire point is that if you're going to break TOS and be a dipshit, I'm not going to spare your psyche. Of course, I could just lock this thread, leave it where it's at and let it stagnate because you don't know how to show two sides of a story, or at least shut up and accept that you're wrong when someone says you should. Yeah I'll do that, LOCKED. someone else can make a thread and post both sides of the story. oooh faulty claims of "corruption" abound, makes me tingle with joy, idiots like you don't know the subtlety of the word to use it correctly. tsk tsk.