Head Rush By: A Punker Gametypes: Team Slayer, Multi-Flag, Oddball, KoTH This is a map inspired by Gears of War 2 Combustible Map, Gold Rush. I took the idea of the map and thought how to bring the map a more Halo style of game play. So what I did is I took alot of where the barricades would be on the GoW version and made areas connect by different elevations of terrain for more natural style cover more than behind a wall cover. I also wanted to give it a bit of a twist so I made a couple small spots without walls and added a lift to it. I added the lift because I thought two of the best maps have lifts(Construct, Guardian). This is actually the first map I made using ghost merging so I was wanting to bring feelings of aesthetics rather than lump together objects in all different areas just to make the platform I wanted. So without further delay here are my images of the GoW2 inspired map, Head Rush. Weapons: - 4 Battle Rifles - 2 Carbines - 4 Spikers - 4 Plasma Rifles - 1 Shotgun - 1 Rocket Launcher - 1 Sniper Rifle - 6 Frag Grenades - 6 Plasma Grenades *NOTE* All weapons are set to drop spawning. Equipment: - 2 Regenerators - 1 Bubble Shield Photos: PLEASE COMMENT BELOW ON FIXES AND YOUR THOUGHTS... AFTER I GET SOME FEEDBACK I WILL POST A NEW VERSION AND AN MLG SETUP. Download Head Rush *EDIT*I am currently making v2 of my map and I will be posting for a test date. I will be redoing the ramps that needed work and redoing some of the upper level walls to give me a few more pieces before hitting OLN.*EDIT*
Yes very sexy im going to download this cause from the opicture i can't see if there are many bumps or crafp like that but really this is a hell of a remake . BTW just defy what picture are you talking about that is sloopy cause they oall look very well put together. I give you more feedback soon EDIT: OK somem feedback on your map everything is forged very nmeatly but some of the angles on the ramp makes you do a little hop it's not going to affeact gameplay very much at all but it's just something to think about. With your rocket launcher and Battle rif les have way to much ammo, Rockets have 4 shots and theres alike 4 brs with 108 ammo in each. The rocket launcher should only have 2 rockets in them, and the brr only should have 1 spare clip and set to 60 sectond respawn not 30 seconds. Also the sniper has 1 spare clip it really depends on gameplaxy if you have 1 spare or no extra ammo for it. When i was looking around in forge i notice that most of the weapons and equipment was droped it kinda just a thing it forge cause it's hard to crab a weapon when in moniter mode before the weapon needs to respawn again. Everything else looks perfect.
This looks pretty well forged I should say. :3 It has a good clean layout, I like this kind of layout. Clean, fluidly, and pretty spacious at the same time. The only improvements I would suggest are, - If you didn't hit your item limit, which is pretty hard not too, throw some more columns, or make your own unique structures in some of the larger areas. I know how annoying it gets to get BR'd in the back on the head and no where to run lol. I rate this a 4/5, good job on the map. : )
I can't tell you too many things to improve the map. It's just...There are some minor forging...imperfections, aka the map doesn't have any flaws, just some areas that look awkward from above, like the grass centerpiece. It's a beautiful map with variety depending on location. If at all possible, I would recommend that you put a video in with this map, otherwise people will just SAY that they are downloading it, but really won't. I dunno. I've just seen so many maps that unless it's either unique or godly I won't download it, and I expect many people who view this map are the same, but videos add a lot to a post. Oh well, I'll boost your download count from 1 to 2.