Dielotus Riddle -- Anagram for 'Solitude Riddle' -- Gametype: Riddle Trials This is my first puzzle since the first wave of Mythic Maps came out and I made Desolate Riddle (which isn't popular due to no promotion of it - but is my hardest puzzle). I didn't really know what to do, so I decided to remake my very first puzzle, Solitude Riddle, and gave it some twists here and there. Eventually, I started making brand new puzzles that weren't in the original map, and soon this became an entirely new map. True, it still says a redux version of Solitude Riddle in the map description, but in actuality it's not. So, without further to do, let's describe the puzzles you will be encountering in this map: ~~*~~*~~*~~*~~ * Everything (equipment, weapons, & vehicles) in this puzzle is used for something. There are no traps in this puzzle (excluding the very end, since it's almost a direct remake of the ending to Solitude Riddle.) * This puzzle is meant for 1 person only, but can support up to 8 players if necessary. * If you cannot find a way past a certain obstacle or puzzle, retrace your steps! There might have been something you passed on the way. (If you went through a teleporter, the object you are looking for are NOT in the previous rooms!!) * There is a checkpoint in this puzzle, but its only good in-game. If you die, you start back from the beginning and have to re-do the entire puzzle. ~~*~~*~~*~~*~~ Total Puzzles: 10 Contains spoilers!! vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Spawn: This is the room from which you spawned in. You cannot complete this puzzle now, so your best bet is to go through the teleporter and complete whatever's in the following room(s). Puzzle 1: Alright, so your now in a room identical to your spawn. You found a power drainer, and a gravity lift blocking your way into the hallway beyond. Your instincts tell you to kill yourself and hope you spawn somewhere else. Do you listen to your conscience? Puzzle 2: So hopefully, you found the sniper rifle. If not, better go back to puzzle 1 and search for it! Now you have what you need to get past the spawn room. But, where does the sniper rifle come into play? ((No Picture)) Puzzle 3: You sworn you've been here before - mabye in puzzle 1? Your mind in playing tricks with you as you crawl deeper into the abandoned asylum. You start seeing shadows that you cannot find the source of. There are 3 locked doors, but only one of them is your key to escape. Watch the shadows on the floor, and they will point you in the right direction to freedom. ((No Picture)) Puzzle 4: Quick! It's a trap! You have 10 seconds before the bombs scattered in the room detonate, killing you in a heartbeat. There's a secret alcove in one of the corners of the room where you can hideout until the bombs explode. Can you find it? Puzzle 5: *CHECKPOINT* You've fell through a hole in the floor created by the explosions of the bombs, and now found yourself on the first floor. The only way out of this room is to climb back up to the second floor. There is a staircase in front of you, but is worn out to the point that if you step on it, it'll collapse. Find an alternate route up to the second floor before the rest of the ceiling above you caves in and traps you under the debree. ((No Picture)) 2nd Floor Hallway: There's the exit - right underneigh you! You can see it though the metal grates underneigh your feet, but cannot get to it. There's a strange lever you can shoot to open up the door from the other side. Better shoot it now, because then otherwise you won't be able to escape!! Puzzle 6: You dropped back to the first floor, only to realize that you've landed in the indoor recreation area of the abandoned asylum. This area was once used for minors under the age of 18 to engage in physical activities with one another, but is now falling apart. Conviently, so is the ceiling! You need to build a tower to get up that high, seeing as it's the 3rd floor attic area once used for storage. Better be careful though, some objects are not as stable as others! Puzzle 7: There was a hole you fell through in the attic that fell all the way down into the basement. Luckily for you, you still have your MJOLNIR armor on, and were able to survive the fall with no injuries. The basement was once where the heater was to supply heat for the asylum, but is now just a pile of dust after the hundreds of years the aslum has been inactive for. The ceiling is starting to crumble down on top of you, so be careful! There's a hole in the wall to get back up to the first floor, but is too high to reach. While scouting the basement, you found some bombs that were planned to be used upstairs, but never were put up there in the first place. Use them to your advantage! Puzzle 8: The following room, upon inspecting it for 5 minutes, is found to be completly empty. It's just a room, with no sighs of anything being in this room prior to the shutdown of the asylum. There's a hole in the ceiling, but you cannot reach it. Looks like the only way out is to backtrack into the basement and get more bombs! ((No Picture)) Puzzle 9: By now, you realized that you aren't suppose to be in the previous areas, starting with the basement. This is where the person who imprisoned you in the asylum was hiding out, building the previous traps to keep you locked in the asylum for good. But you outsmarted him, surpassing the traps that were deemed unescapable by the creator. Keep using the bombs to break the walls in fron of you to get to the exit you found previously! 1st Floor Hallway: You made it! If you killed the switch before when you were above, the doors next to you will be open. If not, go into the teleporter in front of you to go back in time (they had time traveling when this puzzle took place) and re-do Puzzles 5 - 9. Don't forget to shoot the switch (pallet)! ((No Picture)) Puzzle 10: You thought you were out... you walked through the doors to encounter a trap meant for whoever tried breaking in the asylum while you were being tested inside. The breaker you shot before was built to keep whoever was outside out, and whoever was inside in. Now, you will face the same fate as the others who tried to rescue you (the police). Next to you is a diagram of the puzzle, which was un-seeable unless you came from the inside. Can you figure the diagram out, and truely escape the asylum once and for all!? The End: You've beat my puzzle! Congratulations! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ End Spoilers Overall, this puzzle took me 3 weeks to finalize. I worked on it, little-by-little, up until Feb. 5th. From that date until today, I tested it mabye 10 times a day, fixing every little exploit and glitch the puzzle had. If you cannot pass a certain puzzle, and deem it as unbeatable, trust me it isn't! Just keep doing what you're doing, eventually you'll get it! YouTube Walkthrough Guide: YouTube- Halo 3 :: "Dielotus Riddle" Walkthrough Guide Please, post below with comments and feedback. It is greatly appreciated. I know this puzzle isn't as hard as some of the other puzzles you see on here, but it's one of my best. If you missed the download links for both the gametype & map, they are the URL's at the top of the post. Thanks for downloading!!
Seems like a good map, not incredibly hard, but not too easy. I do have a problem though, I got the sniper rifle and I am at the spawn room, but it seems as if you shot right through the shield door?
Yes, that's exactally what I did. If you shoot in certain spots of the shield door, bullets can penetrate to the other side. It's a really neat glitch I must say.
The puzzle looks alright. I would have to say so myself though it's a very mainstream puzzle map. I would of liked to see more originality though. But other than that, good forging, and nice effort. I would like to see some future projects with new ideas homie
^^^ I haven't really played any other puzzle maps in a long time. mabye thats why? The latest that I've played was a beta version of Paratroxity last year. Which could explain why the puzzle can be deemed as 'mainstream'.