Introduction: Hey FH, just thought I’d let you know what I’ve been up to. I hope you will see all of these maps in the future, even though you’ll probably see some before others. Map 1—Conquest: Sharkteeth Reef: Well, this is my contribution to the world of conquest. It takes place mainly under the docks, but branches out into the water. The center territory is in a confined water arena. There is not much more to say other than that I’ll be testing this soon (so message me over XBL if you want to help) and that I will likely color-code the rest of the boxes. Here are some pictures in order going form one end to the other: Crate start: Metro: Under Dock 1: Overview of center area: Under Dock 2: Taco stand start: Map 2—Portal Wars: Construction: This is probably the map I’m most excited about. It’s a completely new gametype concept that I believe should play just as well as it sounds. Here is a quick description of the game. There is one large territory that encompasses the entire map. This is the arena. Both the teams are fighting to capture the territory, but can only do so after the entire enemy team is eliminated from the arena. Once you die, you respawn in a class system outside the arena in the skybubble. You then reenter the arena through a portal. Now here is where it gets good: the enemy is trying to close your portals. Once a portal is closed it can not be used to reenter the city/arena. After the enemy closes your last portal and kills the final player in the arena, they’ll capture the territory and win the round. If you don’t get what I’m talking about, there are pictures of both the portals and the spawn areas. My first map of the series will be out in the dunes and will be a city under construction. There will be exposed beams, lots of scaffolding, and a large crane. The towers will be partially blocked so you’ll be shot at when leaving the territory’s boundaries. Roll in the pictures! Portal: Skybubble spawns: Overview: Alley 1: Corner Building: Inside Corner Building: Blue Building: Obelisk steps our to blue deck: Map 3—Teaser: BTB Canyon: Hehe, this is all you get to see…
The conquest map looks cool. It's good to finally see a cool map on Longshore. The arena idea sounds really good. Just make sure you add some more buildings. No comment on the BTB map.
Can you explain how the enemy closes the portals? It looks pretty cool. It sounds like a great idea to only have some towers blocked.
To close a portal, first walk into the 2-way node in an enemy portal. (our yours if you plan on going suicidal) Then you are up in the enemy's spawn area seen in picture # 7. The spawns are carefully designed so attackers can't camp there, but the defenders can still easily get out. Anyways, you'll be right in front of a pallet bridge spanning the distance between the defence spawn and the tele you just used to get into the arena. Simply break the pallet bridge and you have just denied access to one of the three portals.
I love your portal idea. However, maybe you should put the teleporters in the air, because you could just have a person stand on each of the portals and block them.