Train a guy physics in a dark basement then show him a picture of a human for the first time and ask him what it should do.... He will get it almost 100% wrong. If you told him the same with a dice he could predict it to within pinpoint accuracy.
First of all you have given me nothing to support your statement. Unless you have done this or something similar, this holds no water. Also, "What does it do?" Really how is that even a reasonable question, you imply that a human should do something, that it has a purpose. Maybe if you asked him something more specific, like how do bones in the arm help with movement. Second of all how much physics have you actually learned? Are you in highschool? Uni? Graduate? Thirdly, conventional physics can explain how we stand up, with as long as you understand the anatomy and physiology of the human body. Specifically bones and muscles. If you understand that then, while not trivial, you can apply physics that you learn in highschool to how your body stay standing and walks, using force, torque etc.
Sigh.... What should it do (if you hit a ball going at ___ with a bat going at ____). I agree 100%! The ball and bat have a purpose and were made to do something extraordinary! (sarcasm). And also we are talking about pin point accuracy predictions with physics only. If you're saying that you can do this then why is there sports champion ships when we already know who will win and why don't we know the future? Well I guess matty did get it 100% right, him and you do "talk ****".
1 . Provide sources 2 . Type with grammatical sense. You type the way you would speak, and this is different from person to person, making your sentances wierd and portraying you as a less intelligent person than you may, just may, not be.
If your given ever single detail, right down to the number of sand grains you could predict just about everything with near perfect accuracy with a super computer. However, if you tried to predict a person you would get absolutely horrible accuracy, unless the person was dead then near perfect once more! Now we all no the amount of information needed for this is just about imposable to get but anyone with a brain can tell what can and can't be predicted if we could.
I do you obviously don't. You are saying that with enough information you can predict to near 100% what someone will do. So lets see you do that ) A human male age 32 that weighs 84kg. Location: 2 meters above the surface, straight on a 45 degree tilt backwards. Environment: perfectly flat, no wind or objects (other than the ground). Gravity: 0.893g Because there is not much info I just want to know how far away he will be from his current location (within 2 meters) in 12 hours. Have fun
First of all, insulting someone is not the best way to make a point. Secondly since you did not show your level of education, I'm going to assume you are in uni. Go to your physics department and have this discussion with them, because I would like to think no one on this forum has a Doctorate in physics. If this is impossible for whatever reason, have a talk with someone very, and I would like to point out that I mean extremely fluent in physics, not just a friend who is in undergrad, knowledgeable in physics, and see what answers you get for these types of questions. At the very least read the wiki page on physics, and all the hotlinks, this might help you get some understanding on why physics is used to explain a multitude of things. Sometimes physics is known as the study of matter and energy, and rightly so because this dictates how everything else happens, or as far as I am aware. And I mean it can be used to explain, not that scientists have all the answers, because obviously we don't. Also I would like to point out that the information you gave for the man would yield little to know information on how far he can walk. There are far to many variables in such a problem that you did not take out or take for account. What is his average speed, what shape is he in. What has he last eaten, how often does he lose balance, etc. You expect so much from such simple information that I do not see the point. For the information I would probably go to common statistics for men in USA, because it probably has the most detailed information on the stuff I need. Even so, what I think you are comparing is something like, "A cube of lead that has a mass of _____ is pushed by a force of _____ on an angle of _____ on a frictionless surface. How long would it take to reach ____.(Ignore air friction, use 9.8m/s*s for gravity. etc) Even then this would not give perfect results because I'm am sure I missed a variable somewhere, but it is far easier than what you gave just because of the sheer number of variables in the human body. Even so, I would bet that someone has done a similar study on a person. Physics will never give perfect results compared to the real world, just because of the amount of variables, and one should not expect it too, but they can get so close that it shouldn't matter to the layman. Now I believe we have gotten off topic on the OT so let us go back there. Oh and Matty, were you talking to me or Turkey?
No you're just talking jibberish. This conversation started as a debate regarding if a star could be considered a lifeform (and it can't). And now you're trying to somehow justify the unpredictability of people? You're not even making a point, just arguing semantics. Stop while you're not too far behind. His profile says he's 15, so a freshman/sophmore in highschool. Likely never has had any physics education or even chemistry.
It depends on the school. Mine I had a physical sciences class my freshman year, sophmore I had biology, Junior I had chemistry, and senior Physics was an optional course.
Sight.... I had this same conversation in off topic.... I avoid putting information on the internet and use multiple detains to avoid people getting any. Here's a example: When I joined this site My age was 1 then I put it to 15, my 2 main live accounts are 23 and 35 (not 100% sure). 1/2 the stuff I say will probably be false or from someone else I know.... (not the game dam it!). In other words, no one knows how old I am.... I don't remember insulting someone? And you should have gotten my point. If it were a box that fell all we need to say is 2 meters and we're right! As for a person, they could run and look for help, try to wait for help, 1/2 and 1/2, ect! (I'm not going to right every bit of information needed just to prove a point!)
I was being generous when I assumed you were 15. Judging by your writing style and general knowledge I would have assumed closer to 13, but honestly that's not important. Plus people who are defensive about their age tend to be young. It's good to have a passion for knowledge, but never assume you have all the answers or else you fall into a trap of lazy thinking. Just don't get overly cocky because one day you're going to grow up and realize that you really know nothing and that the pursuit of knowledge is a hard and arduous one without an end. I'm finishing my masters in engineering and that has taught me that I know essentially nothing in the grand scheme of things but I'm always trying to improve.
Please, I put thought into that write up and I would like you to address all of its subjects, not just make a short statement and ignore most of it. It seems you are ignoring everything everyone says, maybe not on purpose, but you do it anyway. Give us some indication of how much you have learned already so we know how much physics you know, and please read my post throughly.
Operating Program: Giving a ****..... Starting process %100... Preparing to care.... Start Caring Programe...%9.... ERROR Caring about something does not comply.... Please shut down imediatly....
I'm done here then. If you do not take this at least somewhat seriously, then why should we? You have made numerous baseless claims, insulted many people, and flat out ignored other people with good information. You have decided that for some reason you are smarter than everyone else, yet you fail to even take a second look at your own information. It is obvious that you do not care to see if your knowledge of physics is wrong, which it would seem it is. My advice to everyone here is to just leave this thread because this 'debate' is getting nowhere.