NOTE: The full thread, complete with more pictures and information about each map can be found here. These maps are all community driven. They were in no way shaped, designed or forged by MLG. Welcome to the 2nd Halo 3 Forge Forum MLG Map Pack from! This has been a massive 5-month effort from the MLG Forge community and has resulted in 18, lovingly crafted maps for your enjoyment. And with Version 8 testing just around the corner, a few of these maps are more than likely to be re-appearing sometime soon. So scroll down, download the maps and enjoy! YouTube- MLG H3FF Map Pack II -------------------------------- How this map pack has worked: After the first map pack, we reflected on the process behind it. Some ideas that were brought up were: -Allowing everyone to enter -Allowing 1v1, 2v2 and FFA maps -Ways of improving the quality of the map pack In the end, we settled on having a judging panel to score everybody’s maps and to choose the best maps for each category, with the best of the 4v4 maps being in the top slots of the fileshare. Although the process has had a fair few bumps along the way, we are 100% satisfied about the maps that have been chosen in the end. The map pack serves as the main release for all of the maps in it. Over time, individual map threads will be posted on the forums. If you want to leave detailed feedback, find the maps respective thread. Alternatively, you can contact the author of each map to leave feedback. -------------------------------- To run games on the map pack maps: -------------------------------- Map Pack Poll Really love a certain map in the map pack? Want to see what the rest of the community thinks? Vote in the map pack poll (linked below). To vote, all you have to do is select all the maps you like (can be as little as one to all of them) and click Submit. No signup required. Map Pack Poll -------------------------------- The Maps! Note: You can find all the maps on the H3FF Map Pack fileshare Featured 4v4 Maps Forged by Baron Supports Slayer and King of the Hill Altitude is another Baron map – and like always, it never fails to impress. Set up in the sky bubble, the map takes strong points of design from Narrows and Pit and combines it with many original elements of its own. If you liked Pit King, you will love Altitude. Download Here Forged by DeathstarsOG Supports Slayer and King of the Hill Inspired by the structure from the level "Halo" in the H3 campaign, as well as Construct, Compound puts together the best features to create a unique sky bubble map. Featuring two main lifts and plenty of tactical jumps, Compound carefully balances top control with bottom floor – something that most maps with lots of vertical movement struggle to do. Slayer is the best supported game type. Download Here Forged by S0 Salty Supports Slayer and Narrows CTF Pharoah is a re-design of the well-acclaimed, yet little known Foundry map Phoenix. The transition to the Crypt has done a world of good to the map, with the extra space allowing for less cluttered gameplay and more structures. Pharoah is a map where it takes true teamwork to win, whether it be when bringing in a flag or making a push. The end result? Great gameplay. Download Here Forged by Ninjashizoku (Prof Impossible) Supports Slayer, King of the Hill, 5 Flag Phobia is a wonderfully crafted, room-based symmetrical map that takes place in the crypt. It takes influence from the inside rooms of Rat’s Nest – if you look carefully. But don’t let that put you off – it plays amazingly for all of it’s gametypes. Download Here Forged by Solo XIII Supports Slayer, King of the Hill and Oddball Forged by Solo XIII, a renound Google Sketchup designer, Pipeline is a small, room-based asymmetrical map in the crypt of Sandbox. The map has been in production for a very long time – and the end result is something that has had hours and hours of work put into it. Plays Slayer and King very well, but also is one of the few maps that can support Oddball. Definitely worth the download. Download Here Forged by iTs Nexn Supports Slayer and King of the Hill Quarantine is a map that manages to combine lovely aesthetics of a ruined, weary map with great gameplay – which a lot of forgers struggle and fail to achieve. From the creator of Lockdown and Deadbolt, this room-based asymmetrical map definitely keeps up the quality that Nexn is known for. Plays Slayer and Hill Download Here Forged by b0b43 Supports Slayer and King of the Hill Suspect, forged by b0b43 (me ) is a asymmetrical, but functionally symmetrical map built right up in the top of the sky bubble. In what started off as a Prisoner-inspired map turned out to be something quite different and unique in its own right. Featuring plenty of vertical action, this map plays well for both Slayer and Hill. Download Here Forged by Pulsekiller Supports Slayer and Narrows CTF Vanguard, sharing the name with the Foundry map it was based off, is one of the few inverse symmetrical maps in the map pack. Like Pharoah, Vanguard really benefits from the transition to the Crypt – with the extra room allowing for more space in the bases and the courtyards. Plays Slayer and CTF. Download Here 4v4 Maps Forged by Sethiroth and Jeef12364 Supports Slayer, King of the Hill and Oddball Originally designed for the Sky Bubble, Cavern is a Crypt-based asymmetrical map, that is more or less functionally symmetrical. An interesting point to note is that the map was designed for King of the Hill – but no ordinary King map, a map with 8 hills. Naturally, the map plays Hill really well but also plays some great Slayer games Download Here Forged by Pulsekiller Supports Slayer, King of the Hill and Narrows CTF Leviathan, the second map forged by Pulsekiller, takes elements of Pit and Collosus and applies several new fresh elements to create a very solid symmetrical map. People who liked Pit King will like the gameplay supported by Leviathan Hill, but Flag and Slayer are definitely not slouchers on this map either. Download Here Forged by Spaceneil Supports Slayer, 5 Flag and Neutral Bomb Seen in the recent Top 10 Videos of the Week, Oasis is a heavily-inspired Sanctuary map. The good news is that the map still plays well in Halo 3. The bad news? There is none. The map is a solid performer all round and plays Slayer, CTF and Neutral Bomb exceptionally. Download Here Forged by Soloist and TKS Monster Supports Slayer and 5 Flag Hennessy, the sole Foundry map of the map pack, brings new life to the standard Foundry 2-base MLG map. Forged by Soloist and Monster, the map draws upon what the 2-base style does well but makes creative use of Foundry’s resources to create something new and refreshing. Plays Slayer and CTF. Download Here Forged by Phuria Supports Slayer and King of the Hill Forged by Phuria, Ruination is a symmetrical map set in the Crypt. With the Rockets up top and the OS down low, the map is poised for some great fast-paced gameplay. Supports Slayer and King. Download Here Forged by Bunniesz23 Supports Slayer, 5 Flag, Hill and Oddball The only 4-base of the bunch, Incessant, is a map forged by Bunniesz in the Crypt. With influences ranging from Warlock to even a little bit of Ignite as some astute observers point it, the map is a fast-paced energetic affair. Supports all MLG Gametypes Download Here 1v1/2v2 Maps Forged by TaK and iFireCracka Supports GB Forge 1v1, GB Forge 2v2 Pyrite, set up at the top of the Crypt, beautifully mixes amazing aesthetics with fast-paced gameplay to create a map easily worth the download. With a slight purple overtone, the map supports both 1v1 and 2v2 gameplay. Co-forged by Tak and iFireCracka, and supports 1v1 and 2v2 Slayer. Download Here Forged by Solo XIII, AceofSpades, Jeef12364 Supports GB Forge 2v2 Dream On, which was designed by Solo and co-forged by Jeef and AceofSpades, is truly a unique map. With beautiful rolling curves and pistons lining the sides, the map is set for great team-oriented gameplay. The style of play supported is like no other map seen before, with many set-ups and routes available for teams of two to take. Download Here Forged by Jeef12364 Supports GB Forge 2v2 As the name ‘Triad’ might suggest, the map features three lines of symmetry. Yes, three lines of symmetry. That means three bases, all identical. But what does this mean for gameplay? A teamwork-essential map which involves a lot of flanking, co-ordination, teamshotting and being able to get good angles on opponents. Supports GB Forge 2v2. Download Here Forged by Purplehazen and Sequel Supports GB Forge 2v2 Designed by Sequel and forged by Purplehazen, Utgard is an asymmetrical sky bubble map that brings out the best in teams. Featuring two snipers, an OS and a Camo, Utgard is a quick paced map that you don’t want to miss out on. Download Here Special Thanks To all of the forgers: Baron, DeathstarsOG, S0 Salty, Solo XIII, ninjashizoku, Pulse, Nexn, TaK, Sethiroth, Jeff, Spaceneil, Soloist, Phuria, Bunnies, iFireCracka, AceofSpades, Purple, Hardiss, De Behr, Hunter, Atticus, Atsoca, Towel, menotyou, Dimmest Bread Without you, obviously, this never would have happened To all the judges: TaK, Baron, Nexn, DeathstarsOG, Solo and Pulse Thanks for your time and commitment To the entire community: Thanks for the support of the map pack To anyone else I have forgotten Nexn For the amazing sigs DeathstarsOG For the incredible video Spaceneil For the poll Killa KC For getting this an article, yet again And finally, Tak For the uploading, sounding board for my ideas, suggesting your own ideas, for Overtime for being frustrating and for the bagged milk. To you, I say “ummmm…..Sauce” So thanks everyone for viewing the map pack thread! What are you waiting for? Download the maps and get playing!
DUDE! This forge group is one reason why I decided to quit forging, you guys are so amazing that I cant even give you hints on how to make your maps better. GREAT JOB
If you enjoy competitive gametypes at all, even if you dislike MLG for your own reasons, you owe it to yourself to try some of these maps, even if only the smaller 1v1/2v2 maps. Each one represents the final product of weeks of testing and adjusting based on feedback.
No love from Forgehub for the map pack? Disappointing, some of these maps are being considered for MLG v8 testing. They really deserve the attention.
ForgeHub doesn't have a very big MLG group. These maps are very impressive but it's hard for people to post a critique without it appearing to be spam. Also I'm not really happy that they used the name Leviathan. Though I guess I can't do much about it since I wasn't the first.
Really nice variety of maps here! Ill download a couple to play tomorrow Can't wait till map pack 3 Also, Pulse was a judge and a winner? Bit unfair for judges to enter? EDIT: @Mick, I agree it wasn't a good choice in name, purely because it's not very creative
Umm... I was not the only judge that was a "winner". Please check again. And on the topic of the name Leviathan, I chose it due to my map being inspired by Colossus. How it is any less creative than another name is beyond me. And I never saw that you posted a map named Leviathan until after this was posted.
How funny, that's the exact same reason I chose that name as well. The search function is useful Edit: On a serious note, there's a major flaw in the map "Pharaoh" where there's a group of spawns still in the sky. How that made it through testing is by me...
I really only ever check MLGpro to make sure that map names arnt used. If I was to check here, I could never make a map. And the fact that your map is competitive while mine is MLG should make it easy to differentiate the two. And you cant spawn in the spawns in the sky due to respawn areas.
There is still a probability of spawning outside the respawn area. The probability increases due to the large number of grouped spawns. It seems lazy and disrespectful to the community downloading your maps to ignore such a simple fix, even if it's less than 1% chance they'll spawn there. As for the name. I don't really care, my map has already had enough recognition that the only concern I would have is that people would confuse my map for yours, but if you're fine with that risk than I'm not worried. It's not hard to come up with an original name and to be sure that it's not already taken by a popular map. (MLGpro forums search, ForgeHub Search, tag search, etc) You should consider renaming yours to MLG Leviathan so it's clear. Suspect and Cavern also still has the spawns outside of the map. And on MLG Oasis there's a sword, I didn't think you were allowed to have that?
You will never, ever, ever spawn outside a respawn area allocated to your team. That's why Flag gametypes work. It's slightly annoying in Forge, but if you spawned there in gameplay (which by the way, would happen if you COULD spawn there because the influences would be at 0) we would be the first to know. All of these maps have had several games of testing from several groups of people. And for Oasis, MLG Heretic has a sword so it is assumed that it is alright. The only reason it really has a sword is because it is Sanctuary inspired Thanks for taking a look at the maps. Hope you can run some games on them.
Few things.....Judges were allowed to enter maps as they were chosen as judges for there ability in Forge. Also, Judges did NOT judge there own maps for obvious reasons. There's very few good names left when making maps nowadays. Most "creative names" are words that sound cool and have no actual meaning anymore. I know my map Compound's name has been used before, but it fits my map very well and I also use the "MLG" prefix.
A few game tests != all games played. You can't assume that just because in your testing it never happened that it won't. Having a spawn on a map gives it a certain probability of being used, and if you have them in poor spots then you might just upset someone during gameplay. Like I said, even if the probability is less than 1% that's still more than 0. If your spawn areas get saturated with deaths and enemies, spawn areas start to faulter and will revert to neutral spawns. It's all a matter of weighting, and spawns outside of spawn areas still have a weight, albeit a small one. Bungies spawns work on a statistical model, so you have to assume that any spawn point on the map has a certain value associated with it, even starting spawns. (Also, the spawn area marker also counts as an emergency spawn point in the event that all the others are high value, as well as super emergency spawn points on the main level assuming all the other spawn points are nullified or deleted) But hey it's your map pack. If you feel comfortable giving the community less than stellar work that's your choice. I just won't ever keep a map on my drive that has poor spawns, because it's not worth it to me to fix someone elses work and I feel insulted that they'd release a map that wasn't to the absolute highest of standards. When I release a map I give the community the absolute best I can give them. Taking any old name is fine, but taking a name of a popular map is insulting to the original creator and shows a disregard of community standards and politeness. You wouldn't name your map Guardian or Valhalla would you? I spent close to a month debating between names and finally decided on the perfect one, only to have someone else rip it off 5 months later. If the MLG prefix had been added I wouldn't have complained because that would have been distinct enough to identify the difference, but having it as the exact same is a little unsettling.
But you see, it isn't a <1% chance. It is a 0% chance. Impossible. Never. Will not happen in the history of the game. That's what spawn areas do - you will ALWAYS spawn inside that area, nothing else. Emergency spawns will only work if a spawn area encompasses it. Actually I lied. If you can successfully block every single spawn point on the map, you can spawn people on those spawn points. But considering each map has more than 16 spawn points, this is impossible. And as the later video shows, influences =/= blocking. The only way to block the spawn point is to stand on it. If it was possible, we would change it. You have no idea how much rigorous testing has been done on all of these maps. This map pack, and the community, produces some of the highest quality maps in Halo. Film Map But anyways, this is a pointless discussion. Does anyone have any feedback after playing the maps?
From what I understand, Mick is correct on this point in terms of technicality. Theoretically, you could spawn in a spawn point outside of the spawn areas. Possibility? Pretty much absolutely 100%. However, what he's saying is that it seems disrespectful to the community to just leave it out there and show that you don't care enough to change it, unless there's a good reason to leave it that wasn't explained. To me, I might feel the same way, it shows that you care more about getting recognition for your map than you care about making a map for other people to enjoy (which is another take on map making I suppose, not a positive one IMO). I don't consider it a massive deal either way, but I think Mick has something of a point, a point that obviously means nothing to most people (personally, I don't really care), but a good amount to a few people (like him). I don't think he really has merit on the name point, though. I think for the most part names are open game, unless you come up with something that's clearly unique, if the name fits your map and you're fine with the possibility of confusion, I don't consider it to matter all that much.
Bickering about a name and spawn points that aren't used... yeah some great feedback. Insane, are you the insane54 who made state union for chaos theory pc?
I, as well as the 20+ people who playtested my map have never heard of your map. So clearly I didn't take the name and it is also not popular in the MLG community, so the same name shouldn't matter. And the spawn point issue that you are arguing is totally pointless. By your logic every ma should block off all emergency spawns on the map. And the reason that the spawns were kept there is due to OLN.
For Dream On, at least, I kept a version with OLN objects still present on the map and submitted a variant with no OLN objects for the map pack. This argument is trivial though. Names are names, and names as simple as Leviathan and Compound are bound to be used by more than one map. There's not copyright on names.
That's besides the point. You're not reading what I said. I said technically it doesn't matter, but it shows to a small percentage of people that the creator doesn't care enough to remove spawn points for their own convenience, even though they'll never come into effect. It's a matter of showing care, not technicality. It's also very few people, and not something you guys need to defend to the death like you actually care. Nah, I never played Chaos Theory PC. My only major online game before Halo 3 was Jedi Academy (awesome game).
I am not "defending it to death", I am clearly letting you guys know that you are wrong. The spawn points are NEVER used, so it makes no difference whether or not they are there. Anything that doesn't effect gameplay I don't care about.