~ Octagonal ~ Created by: I Brea CheeseI Players: 6-8 Gametypes: 2Flag Capture the Flag, Team King of the Hill, Team Slayer This map is meant for capture the flag games; slayer matches and king of the hill can still be played though. The map is made of blocks in the shape of an octagon with buildings built into it. There are two bases, two mancannons, two turret buildings, two sniper posts, and one banshee spawn. Travelling around the map is done either by running around one of the sides, using the mancannons, or using the banshee. Further descriptions with images. __________________ \Weapons/ ________________________________________________ /___Weapon__l Number l_ Clips_ l_ Spawn_\ l _________l______l_____ l______ l l__Battle Rifle__l___8___l___2___l___90___l l___Carbine___l___4___l___1___l___60___l l___Shotgun___l___2___l___0___l___90___l l__Beam Rifle__l___2___l___1___l___120__l l_Plasma Pistol_l___2___l___1___l___90___l l___Needler___l___2___l___2___l___90___l l _Missle Pod__ l___2___l___1___l__ 180_ _l l_Bubble Shield_l___2___l___1___l___90___l l Frag Grenade_l___4___l___1___l___30___l lPlasma Grenadel___6___l___1___l___30___l l_ Active Camo_l___2___l___1___l___180__l l__ Banshee___l_ __1___ l___1__ l__180__l \__________________________________/ __________ /Images\ 1) Blue Base: Each team has an identical base of the one shown above. In the base there is three battle rifles, a carbine, a plasma pistol, and a missle pod. The main platform houses the flag's pick-up and capture points. _______________________________________________________________ 2) Inside Blue Base: The inside of the base isn't very large but it's where the plasma pistol is located and there's also a window which provides: a ,surprisingly, large view of the map, cover, and a small ramp which is used to look out the window. _______________________________________________________________ 3) Red Mancannon: The mancannons are used to get to the center structure to get the banshee or to travel to the opposite side of the map. When you enter the mancannon, you're propelled to the center structure. There are two mancannons in the center which will fire you to the bottom platform of that sides mancannon. The mancannon room can also be used as cover; there are shield doors on each side. At the mancannon there is a shotgun, a needler, and two plasma grenades. _______________________________________________________________ 4) Banshee Spawn: The center area that was previously referred to. Here there is a banshee, and a mancannon to each side of the map. _______________________________________________________________ 5) Sniper: This is where the sniper spawns, as well as a battle rifle, a plasma, a frag, a bubble shield, and a fusion coil. The bubble shield is in the half tunnel thing under the sniper which can also be used as a short cut instead of having to go over if your trying to get around quick. If the fusion coil is shot before the sniper is picked up, it will fall off the map. _______________________________________________________________ 6) Turret: This structure has a top platform with a turret and a room underneath with an invisibility. There is also a carbine at the bottom of the ramps. _______________________________________________________________ VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV _______________ l Download l
The map looks interesting, and looks fun to play on, but it seems like the Banshee has a ton of control. The Missile Pods help to balance it out a little bit, but a capable Banshee pilot could kill a ton of people, even right when they spawn. I'm sure that more cover would help a lot. I'd be afraid to walk down a single side of the Octagon while the Banshee's in air. Also, because the Man Cannons shoot the players right to the Banshee, it's difficult for enemies to stop one from getting there. That is, a path to the middle could help balance out the map, too. I like the aesthetics, and I also appreciate how you make the player feel as if he's on the edge of a cliff at all times (Bubble Shield, etc)
The banshee isn't overpowering because there's two missle pods in the spawning bases (along with plasma pistols and turrets on the map); if you're worried about it being easy to get to the banshee, you could even destroy it from afar before anyone gets to it. There were quite a few things that that wanted to add and also had to remove such as cover or weapons in certain places because of the object limit. I didn't want to add too much cover either because this map was meant to be more about longer ranged fights. I also wanted to keep as much of my asthetics as possible, so I lost some objects there too.
I understand, and I've yet to play it with 9+ people so it's difficult to say. Nonetheless, I think the absence of a Banshee would only contribute to the map in general. PS: I checked out the threads of your other maps via your signature, but all of the pictures are out D:
Ok, this looks like a pretty nice idea, and start. Yes I did say start, I have a few suggestions. Please take these as that, and not rants. -I see you hit the item limit, why not take away a lot of the weapons, and make it more of a fight for weapons. -Take out the Banshee, and missile pod. -Re-check your spawn limits, sometimes I get carried away with them, and they take up a lot of item space, that can be used for other items. -Railing, doesn't have to be perfect. Use railing spacing, just space them out around the map so its not so bare and horrid. The map isn't horrible, nor is it the greatest. No ones map is, : ) If you follow those suggestions, and a few others from people who will actually give a positive review, I'm sure a V.2 would be lovely in the future.
The idea is good. Circular map, it's something that I'm going to make as soon as I'm done with my current agenda. BUT... -The map is TOO large. -The map is TOO narrow. -The map doesn't have enough cover. -The mobility is bad. -The structures aren't original. I know this is pretty much chopping down your whole map but... it's necessary. You hit your limit and a V2 is pretty much out of the question. If you want to make a remake of the map, REDUCE THE MAP'S OVERALL SIZE. This would help because -You could add more walking room, less narrow, a better fighting ground. -You could add some cover this way. -It would be easier to get around the map. From then, just improve your buildings, add some aesthetics, and be a little more creative with the map, and that could make a fine new map.
The ring idea is nice and would probably work great for a sort of circular game of conquest, but the lack of cover really brings this down. If a good banshee pilot managed to dodge the missile pod (which I can easily do) the other team would have no defense against it. A banshee can also become nearly invisible with gloomy on so it would have an incredibly overpowering effect if used correctly. (most people do not think to use a turret against the banshee) Your map is great but it still needs some significant inprovements to play well.
I played this map today, Multi Flag BRs. Unfortunately, we ended it before even 1 capture could be got. Here's the problem: you've got a cool idea, but the map is just not well thought out enough. You've got to develop something if this is to work without upping the shields to 500% or such. As of right now the main problem is that it's size doesn't fit it very well, in addition to the fact that, while I don't like the notion of people building a map around 'cover', there's, well, no cover. You're doomed running around a giant ring to the other base. A few other problems are the banshee, dominating people around the ring with nowhere to run, a narrow running area that makes falling off easy enough, some missing floors with no railing, and grav lifts that aren't very reliable, to name a few problems. I'd suggest you still keep your circular map idea, rethink it in terms of gameplay, and then try it again