Charge on The Base Created by Megapeng Inspired by the flash game Storm the Base Preview: --.YouTube- Halo 3 HUGE Sniper Fail Map Used: The Base Supported Gametypes: Custom Gametype(s) Story: I really like the flash game Storm the Base so i made a map sort of like it. Description: 8-16 players possible 6 The humans start up in the floating base with mid-long range weapons and have to keep the infected back from coming into the base and killing them. The infected start across the map in a tiny little house and have to run to the base where there is man cannons that launch them into the base. Grav lifts are used to guarantee that you make it in. Tips Group up in the corner in the second floor and snipe only when no ones in your base Infected traits 100% health 0% shield recharge speed 300% gravity 50% Human traits 150% damage Last man traits 300% damage Forging 101: [ YES ] __Floating Objects [ YES ] __Instant Respawn [ YES ] __Immovable Objects [ YES ] __Timed Map Events [ ___ ] : Effective Spawn Placement [ YES ] __Gravity Lift Techniques [ ___ ] : Objects Placed in Water [ ___ ] : Used Symmetry Option [ YES ] __Interlocking Objects [ ___ ] : Objects Merged with Map Geometry [ ___ ] : Unlimited Budget Glitch
this seems unfair and not fun to play. the game thAT INSPIRED YOU TO PLAY THIS IS AGAINST a.i.S not actaul people. everyone on the rushing team will quit at the site of this/.
uuhhhh. thats prob cuz you and your friends cant aim. i dont mean to be stereotypical but im pretty sure im gonna hit the nail on the head with this one. ur 13.
I've been on forgehub a while, I never post or anything at all. I just really need to point out here. Just defy, why are ya always so ridiculously rude to everyone. I admit yes this isn't the best map I've seen by a long shot but is there any need to say what you did say? Every single reply I've seen you make over the lengthy amount of time i've been on forgehub has been unconstructive and insulting. Just lay of the flame dude. Back on the topic of the map, I like the concept of it, it might be helpful to put some kind of internal structure to the base like corridors and such to give cover to the zombies, i played it with a group of freinds and it was fun but cover for the zombies was an issue that kept coming up. Perhaps a V2?