Sandbox Cavern

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by Sethiroth87, Feb 19, 2010.

  1. Sethiroth87

    Sethiroth87 Ancient
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    Designed by: Sethiroth and Darkling Ninja
    Created by: Jeff and Sethiroth​

    This map has been over many changes to get to this point. The map started as a Crypt map, Then moved to skybox, then back to the crypt. The map came from idea i had, What if a map had 8 different hill positions and it never returned to the same one. Well it first i loved the idea, then when i started to design a map to cater the idea i started struggling.

    That is where Darkling Ninja came to help. I told him the idea and he loved it and suggested that we come up with a sequence of hill movements first then design a map to it. Well the next day he came up with the hill order then i did the design of the map to fit it. The end result is Cavern.

    Right now Cavern is a vary unique map. Its a Inverse Symmetrical map that has ton of Asymmetric Features. I wanted the geometry of this map to be flowing and never ending, so i started with a flat ground and just pulled some areas up and push some down. The map features every MLG Power Weapon, 2 Snipes, Rocket, Mauler, Plasma Pistol, Custom, and Camo. Now you thinking Holy S__T that is alot of weapons for a full crypt map. In my opinion this map provides a much need fastpaced King of the Hill gameplay that i think that MLG Needs. The map also plays a mean Team Slayer and in some peoples opinion its better than King.

    Well i am done talking here are some Pics and info to help you guys out.


    2 Snipes----------150 sec drop spawn, 1 spare clip, Place at start yes
    1 Rocket--------- 180 sec drop spawn, 1 spare clip, Place at start yes
    1 Mauler--------- 120 sec drop spawn, 1 spare clip, Place at start yes
    1 Plasma Pistol--120 sec drop spawn, Place at start yes
    Custom-----------120 sec, Place at start NO
    Camo-------------120 sec, Place at start NO


    This is a Overview of Blue Side of the map. From here you can see the Blue snipe and Camo. Rockets spawn bottom Mid.

    This is a Overview of Red Side of the map where you can see Red Snipe and Custom.

    Red Snipe

    Blue Snipe



    Special Thanks
    First and Foremost I like to thank Jeff and Darkling Ninja, with out you two this map would still be a Concept.
    I also Like to thank- Salty, Fritz, and Solo XIII for providing feedback on the design and Weapon layout.
    And last but not least i like to thank everyone who playtested the map


    Future updates:

    Update: 2/18/2010

    Hey so here is the preview of the new and super improved Cavern, named Aztec.


    This version of the map fixes all the problems that i had with the map gameplay wise and aesthetic wise. As you can see its going under the knife, way under the knife in order to make it even better then the first.

    Heres a Sketch-up pic also

    I will update this thread the more i get close to playtesting.
    #1 Sethiroth87, Feb 19, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2010
  2. 99dudes

    99dudes Forerunner
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    this looks very interesting. looks nicely forged. i like the way you used the ramps as the walls or whatever in one of the pictures. also my map that i was about to post has the same name. ill wait untill this is off the front page tho. im DL
  3. SMGstrings

    SMGstrings Forerunner
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    A great concept, a cleanly forged map, and one of the few good MLG King maps I've ever seen. Hopefully I'll be able to get a full party of 8 going and play some real King on it.
  4. Gelatinous Yam

    Gelatinous Yam Forerunner

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    I would suggest making either the camo or custom powerup spawn at start, so there's that rush for them at the beginning.
  5. Sethiroth87

    Sethiroth87 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the comments. I tried the Custom Camo place at start and I really didnt like how it played.

    Also look at main post agine i just updated it.
    #5 Sethiroth87, Feb 22, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2010
  6. Pixie Dust

    Pixie Dust Ancient
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    @Gelatinous Yam If you go into the map and look at the starting spawns you will notice why they don't start at spawn. and the way the hills move and the power weapons drop makes the game play intense. There is a solid rush on each team, The hill. The hill servers as the big rush on this map. And the nades of the start.... Get me every time lol. Nice job Seth. Really love what you did with this. I like it way more than when i was on forge bandits with you and you were making in the sky bubble and it was going to be called Skyline. Very, very nice work:)
  7. HezbollaHector

    HezbollaHector Ancient
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    This has come a long way since me, inhale and jeef were taking turns with the sky bubble version. Im very pleased with its transition into the crypt, its ironic that this was where it was originally to be built. The design has come a lon way since you showed me that massive tower you were designing for the original design in the crypt.

    Great job on the forging jeef and good job on the design seth and darkling. I would love to see your progress on Aztec so next time were both on be sure to invite me. Im thinking ill be on quite a bit the next few weeks, im finishing up some halfway done projects.

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