If there any other writers on here and if you did find this, please tell me I'm not the only one with extensive writers block...it honestly feels like everything has been done already....
Most things have been done already, its simply a matter of bringing ideas to life in your personal way and connecting the ideas in your way. Write using your own experience of the world and apply it to whatever you choose to write. When is your writers block? At the start, end or middle?
would be nice if you said more about what you normally write. me and insane write journalistically on here but im guessing that you're writing something more fictional so...go listen to some music, watch some TV, go to a gallery, museum, read books or w/e...something is bound to be different and inspire you
Me,as a writer things drift to me during my day and it's my job to shape these random thoughts into something of meaning. We all take blocks in forge and create maps that convey what we think is good. It's the same thing I do with my thoughts. Often I take large breaks in my writing, because it helps me flesh out things with the story.
Writer's block is weird for me. My main problem is that I get bored with whatever I'm working on, no matter how creative or awesome I think it is (I generally only work on something if I have a unique twist on it, as someone said before, everything has been done before). So I'll write a ton of stuff out, show quite a few people, then inevitably, and without fail, momentum stops when an idea for something else arises. Most of my completed works, including the satires and articles I've written here, are short, and usually completed within a few days. Occasionally I'll return to earlier ideas, and that's when writer's block arises, trying to force output when there's no internal incentive for doing so. What I'm saying is, I think writer's block largely stems from interest in some shape or form. Not necessarily a direct cause as it is with me, but maybe it's forcing your interest (i.e. production or thinking) into one facet of the story, when your actual motivation is concerned elsewhere. If that's the case, and if sitting, staring emptily at the screen, does nothing for you, I'd suggest relaxing and leaving the matter open, and doing other things. I've a ton of projects I'd love to finish, but never do as a direct result of writer's block (following the fact that I fled due to declining interest). However, progress is made when I watch movies and random shows and pull tiny unrelated bits from them, oftentimes single words, that flourish into entirely new concepts. I don't know if that helped at all, as everyone has their own method for dealing with it, but if the whole piece wasn't any indication, yes, I've suffered from writer's block.
It mostly depends on what I'm trying to write. On occasion I write short essays for my blog (the likes of which I'll compare to David Sedaris for easy reference, though I don't know if I'll ever be half the writer he is), and it isn't so much a lack of ideas as it is a lack of interest that throws a wrench in my gears. I'll have an idea, I'll like the idea, and still manage to slough it off with a casual, "Maybe tomorrow." Other times I will be mid essay, stop, and never pick it up again; a good example was my attempt at a retrospect for 2009. For the most part, I liked what I had, yet here I am 2 months later with an incomplete creation. When it comes to writing scripts, I flat out can't conjure up ideas. I'll throw some **** on paper, and I do mean ****, then trash the file. However, as of late, I haven't even been able to spew garbage, sitting idly on my ass waiting for an idea worthwhile to take hold. Part of my explanation for this "writer's block" of sorts is due to the art form I am writing for. Write an essay, a novel, a blog post even, and the creation ends there. With a script, you have merely accomplished the first step, and then it becomes a matter of transposing the words into visuals. If I wasn't writing for myself, with the knowledge of my own limitations in mind, I probably wouldn't be banging my head against the wall as often, but alas I am, and the drywall is properly mush. Oh, wait, you wanted help dealing with it? Yep, I've got nothing.
Dealing with it, is a big problem. I usually go listen to music, play xbox, or watch TV or something until I get an idea, any idea, and when I do I put it on paper. Then I see if it's good or bad or workable but needs work. I also do this with concepts, things; I've been trying to create anything that would do might benefit anyone, someone. My dad and I have always joked around with once he retires he should be an inventor. Like wise, I've always put my ideas on paper so I wouldn't forget it and get sort of an "inventor's block" for when I just sit down and try and create something. We've (My dad and I) always toyed with the idea of something you put in your oven so that things get cooked evenly since no oven is perfect and they all have "Hotspots" or spots that get hotter than others and causes uneven coking. Anyway, just deal with it by relaxing and not trying to come up with an idea. Just relax and think about things, get distracted is what I'm saying.