Author: DIEabolical Map Name: Revelations V2 Map Canvas: Sandbox Map Size: Large Player Count: 4-16 Supported Gametypes: Infection, The Book of V2 __________________________________________________ Description: Prepare yourselves for the ultimate survival battle against the forces of good and evil.I present to you an infection game where the environment becomes extremely hazardous over time. After 30sec the gates of hell open and satans minions are loose,fusion coil particals rain upon the gate area and the gloomy effect activates. After 60sec {V2 change} a gravlift spawns here allowing access to upper levels for humans. After 90sec {V2 change} the side gates of hell open giving faster access to the upper levels for zombies.More fusion coil rain and juicy affect activates. A MGturrent and Flame thrower spawn after 120sec. After 150sec god rains down massive destruction.Oh yes...there will be splatters. Map Weapons and Equipment SMG x2 Plasma R. x2 Flame thrower x1 (after 120sec) MG turrent x1 (after 120sec) Spike grenade x2 Plasma grenade x2 Flame grenade x2 Trip mine x2 Grav lift x1 (after 90sec) Camo x1 120sec Oversheild 150sec Random Weapon Box Right side Sniper 60sec 1 clip BR 10sec Shotgun 90sec no clip AR 10sec Rocket 120 no clip Left side Beam R. 60sec Needler 45sec Brute 60sec 1 clip Mauler 60sec 1 clip Plasma R. 10sec Sentinel B. 120sec Gametype Settings Listed are all of the changes I made from a standard infection gametype. 1 zombie at start Alpha Zombie 110% Damage resistant Plasma pistol secondary equip 125% speed 150% gravity Poor camo Zombie Poor camo 150% gravity 110% speed 50%Damage resistant {V2 change} Last Man 200% Damage resistant 110% Damage modifier Infinite ammo 110% speed 200% gravity Base player 200% gravity Magnum primary The Book of (This version has a harder difficulty for humans,low scoring,quick games) The Book of V2 (This version has an easier difficulty for humans,high scoring,longer games) Revelations Revelations V2 Stratagy Guide Spoiler Humans Get to the random weapon box area first Wait for other humans to line up by WB to get multiple weapons Unlock one of the switch doors and grab weapons It is possible to knock radio anntennas over and climb a level Get to the upper level where grav lift spawns and hold After 90sec use grav lift to get past side barriers Use trip mines and grenades to hold top area After juice affect kicks in the upper levels become extremely hazardous Grab flame thrower or turrent and find a good spot to finish You can try destroying grav lift before first zombie can get out but beware this does not work if zombie is waiting by the gates and you will be easily slaughtered Zombies First zombie should wait for gates to open before grabbing oversheild Stand close to the gates to get out quick and kill humans trying to trap you If any humans get stuck in switch door alpha zombie has to kill him with plasma pistol Use anntennas to access upper levels After side gates open use that path for faster access to upper levels Never attack last man standing alone
spelling mistake. last picture. btw your not a producer, stop pretending. hard to get an idea of the map. so much going on and the screens dont do justice
I really dont give a **** what u say cuz u never got nuthin positive to say so whatever.U should keep your negative ,downgrading (make people feel like ****)comments to yourself.
hey, i'm a random forgehubber, seeing you swear makes me cry and not want to download/help you improve your map through fear of being insulted... but i will do anyway. Looks like a great design actually, but i do agree with just defy. not the producer thing, i'm not sure wheres he is coming from there (unless he means the "something-bolical productions" which i agree with, i already know you made it...what with you posting it). But the screenies are hectic. half arnt needed, the last one is stupidly stupid though, movement? i know how to walk up a ramp. Maybe just "places to defend" in red or something... dont worry, i'm sure i'll work out how to get there. will play at some point if i can. whats the best number? or is it more the merrier?
My bad dude and my apoligies DEFY ,Its just that every time i see his post its negative. And its not a spell mistake if u look there are 2 Ds in back ground -D ieabolical D. HA HA yea i was kinda iffy about the movement pic but i just said screw it ,I took the time to make it so might as well add it.Anyway sorry for my outburst and I kinda wonder sometimes if DEFY is an administrator testing peoples patience undercover but im probably wrong.Also the best way to find how the map plays is to play it of course.I have been playing on this map with my friends for a while now and we all enjoy it.It can support up to 16 players.
I agree all he does is say **** about other peoples maps and he never makes decent maps himself. On another note great map idea Overall 4.5/5
oh yeah.. i see... the double D doesnt stand out enough nor looks like anything more than odd triangles (i for some reason saw a fast forward button) so i'll assume it is for as many people as possible? also is the gametype nessacery, or would save one bullet play (perhaps not the best possible) but a little well? as i'm very close to 100 d/l i cant afford all that... i will if i must though
hatin on just defy eh? maybe you should all just grow from what i say instead of complaining. after all thats what my critism is intended for. im not being rude i just point out things that are wrong. you all just take it personally. edit: know one will ever notice those "d's" because they look like arrows.
just defy i know i dont belong in this convo but u really are the meanest person on these fourms every map u comment on is liked by everyone else likes but then u come a long and ruin the makers "forge self esteem" done with that this map is sipmly fenomenal it is sooo much fun i love your idea of the two gates it plays well to over all 5/5 i love it
Like a **** zombies feel only with a hellish theme. I also like the destruction that starts raining down. Nice 5/5
oh i remember testing this map,glad you posted it,il dl straight away.the falling vehicles are a nice touch.question: when we were testing it you needed to jump in the archs to get to the heaven side but now you placed those green things(i dont know the name) how do you get to the heaven side of the level?
lol. i c. well. idk. i just dont think a lot of **** is worth posting... theres just so many maps people make where its just spawn killing n bad forging and what not. ive basically given up on dLing maps like these. id rather see a little quality then all these maps that are posted and its frustrating.
You still don't get it dude all you have said about my map now is that I mispelled a word which was not the case ,u claim I did not produce this map by saying I'm not a producer and u say my post crap and does no justice. Now you are saying my **** ain't worth posting.dude I'm done being nice to ur ass if u r not going to download and actually comment on the map itself and how I can improve on it stay off my thread. Since u don't make decent maps yourself ,your advice on other maps is irrelevant and doesn't really help anyway.
Whilst I believe strongly in constructive feedback, and that Forgers shouldn't swear at people for commenting on their maps, this clearly isn't constructive feedback. Insulting the map builder in an immature and unproffessional manner is not needed. This clearly strikes me as judging a book by its cover since you only really comment on the post rather than the map. Critisism is only useful if a solution is offered constructively. Personally, the map looks well forged, and the mechanics are very similar to my zombie maps. I'll have to give this a proper try and get back to you. Defy: Judge maps fairly with constructive critism and comment on maps after giving them a fair crack of the whip. Dieabolical accept opinions: improvement can always be made. After all, if you didn't want their opinions, why would you put it on a site full of people who know what makes a good map? T.G.
+ This map has some really good forging considering its infection, thats pretty damn rare to see. + I like the fact that you included weapons usually not seen on infection maps, such as the plasma rifle and beam rifle. - The only issue with the map is the gameplay, I get that you wanted it to feel like some hell storm of zombies but its honestly its gotta be one of the hardest infection maps I have ever played, and everyone in the party agreed with me. - Second issue is the gametype itself, I didnt see any time limit and I dont know if there is a life limit or not because the most kills anyone got as a human was about 2...If their is a life limit then ignore this part but I still feel that even if there is, the gameplay is far to difficult for it to matter. V2 Tips: -Either make the humans have more health, or the zombies easier to kill, and add a time limit so that it doesnt feel like theres no point in playing. Score: 4/10
I like the idea of this map. The outburst is fine, just be considerate of other Forgehub members next time. It sounds like it would be fun for some laughs, and I love the idea of mixing it with a kind of Heaven vs. Hell theme. Very funny. Would love to play this with fun people, making devil noises...ahhh I can see it now. Will definitely download and check it out.
Not going to lie if you can't take what a critic has to say really don't post your map also don't call yourself a producer then also because they have to take it from critics as well seeing some of the garbage that has came out of HollyWood on a side note i like this map it was well put together and personally the gravity was a much needed addition to even out the playing field.