These are the result of my first ever attempt at making a sig. I am willing to completely redo the sig if needed. V1 V2 Orange V2 Green CnC plox. EDIT: V3 Transparent Yellow V3 Yellow V3 Transparent Green V3 Green
I hate how blurred the helicopter is. It would certainly look better if you sharpened the copter, and de-sharpened the background.
sharpening the heli would do nothing to it. it is too low of a quality picture.. plus it is already blurred from the movement. honestly, the best you could do would be to find a better quality chopper picture
I tried to sharpen it as much as I could but idk. The stock was kinda bad. I can look for a higher quality copy of the stock I used and try again. Update: I found a higher-res stock and redid the sigs. V3 Transparent Yellow V3 Yellow V3 Transparent Green V3 Green Which do you guys like? Any other colors I should do? Anything else I need to fix?
for all: txt is bleh... Just ick... Make better selections, take more time because they aren't that great right now, I suggest the pen tool as it is very precise(assuming you to be using photoshop right?)
I use GIMP and when I made the selections I went into 500% zoom and referenced back to 100% to make sure I didn't miss anything. Could you point out the part(s) that should be fixed? I didn't use smart select because it isn't really that good in GIMP.
hoooray for gimp! but yea theres a lot of things that would make this signature better. if you look at all the gna topics u might of heard about flow. its a good way of making things look better. just sorta make all your lines n stuff go in one direction. two in my case but yea... also did you add the smoke?
Thanks I'll try that in my next sig. The smoke is actually water spray from the heli flying close to a lake but I did thicken it a little.