Der Hutte The title means "The Cottage" in German. This map is a Mid sized arena style map. It was designed for Slayer (FFA and TS). The map is symetrical and and has a large cottage-like structure in the middle/Back of the map that is home to the rockets and the shotgun under it. It also a hallway on each side under the map that lead to the Cloak and Oversheild, and eventualy the sniper tower lift. There is also an extesion from the base of the sniper tower that houses the Sword. Download Map To make this map i did use interlocking, but not more than what was needed to just keep the map organized Enjoy and please let me know wat you think
looks pretty awesome, but the custom power ups...can they be reached? do they have a purpose? Why are they not interlocked?
Hmm... It looks like you could have used alot more interlocking. Make sure you don't leave the "I'm lazy" impression mmmmk? If you do not now the extremes of interlocking, go to the forging 101 section or set up a private lesson