Let me introduce this map to you by explaining my mindset when I made it. I had just come off a weekend of playing maptionsac. After seeing how the community views the warthog and playing with random people I came up with a fiew ideas. I realized that when making maps you don't need every weapon in the book. It seemed that alot of times there was a lot of weapons on a map that were unneccasary, a missel pod on a map with no major vehicles. Other times there were marginal weapons, warthogs with not a misselpod or laser in sight. Yet the map was fun and competitive. Also, I had my eyes opened to how 3 dimentional a map could really be. I realized that by cutting the map in half, by building things like a bridge, you can take the dominance of the warthog away. So with these things in mind I set out to put a parking deck on a map. I thought that if a warthog had to travel up and down 3 stories to get to the other side of the map, that it would be unnecessary to make the game about laser control. After making this large garage I could'nt help but think of the movie Tokyo Drift and the way they raced up to the top. With this structure looking so hideous I wanted to make up for it and build beautiful bases. I used Japanese architecture to come up with a driveable yet safe place to spawn. And to finish the map I use shield doors and kill balls to insure a difficult passage for warthogs to get to the enemy base. If anything I wanted this map to reward skillful and creative drivers, not those guys who just park the hog out on the sanddunes allowing the gunners to get respawn kills unharmed. So here is the map, and as always your feedback helps me make maps better. My ultimate goal it to make a map considered the MLG of warthog maps. Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Wepons x 1 x 1 x 4 x 2 x 2 x 2 Vehicles x 2 repawn 90 Equipment bubble shield x 2 respawn 60 grav lift x 2 respawn 60 You can actually get on top of the base with out a grav lift. Just jump on the ball of light. Also you can't snipe through the balls of light. Warthog spawn behind the base, yet there is room for it to pass under the base. Behind that ramp is the bruteshot spawn. Quarter walls were put in the floor for safe passage behind cover to the lower level of the base. Sub structures infront of bases for extra cover during safe spawns An outside view of the parking deck shows the heighth of this monstrosity. The bottom level of the base shows the warthog entrance with ramp to second level. Plasma pistol and plasma nade spawn in the corner and an elevator takes you to the top floor. (its actually two way sender nodes) Notice there is a wall seperating the bases so no direct fire comes from the start of the game on the ground floor Level 2 shows the ramps coming from both sides of the map from levels 1 and towards levels 3. The barriers are in place to force warthogs to travel to the third floor and to keep them from jumping the wall to the enemy side. A single sniper riffle spawns in the center of this level. An open floor for the warthogs to drive on level 3. Two way nodes on both sides of the floor for each team to teleport a quick start towards rockets in the center. An ariel view of the top deck shows the potential of high spots for snipers to get to. But not to worry, most spawns are under cover. Though I am not fond of the use of shield doors, with a lack of objects left and a dwindling budget, they were a must to slow the speed of warthog travel to the opposite side of the map.
I love the parking deck design i mean u have no idea i really wanted to make one of those for the longest time, but the forging lacks alot of geomerging. Overall 3/5
i like how u didnt have to ghost merge everything to have a good map, you merged if needed but on a diff. note this map looks like alot of fun. great layout cant wait to dl and custom game on it.. thx for the map 4.5/5 awesome job.. oh i almost forgot ya i agree u have to have the shield doors up there so warthogs cant just fast travel across map... damn bungie should give us invisible walls to put up.
cool map dude you have the weapon layout down but the map dose look a bit messy and though i am a strict believer that not all maps need merging i think this map dose + the spaces from the bases to the brige look a bit empty maybe if u put a bit more "meat" in this map it woul have a better game play and be over alll beter 3/5
OK so I made a few changes and hopefully it improved the map. I took off the top level. Moved sniper riffles to the basement. Put my fountain idea in, with overshields on top. added more cover to the sides, with 2 extra plasma pistols. Then added a dozen more spawn points. Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Wepons x 1 x 2 x 4 x 2 x 4 x 2 Vehicles x 2 repawn 90 Equipment bubble shield x 2 respawn 60 grav lift x 2 respawn 60 overshield x2 respawn 180
Woah, your update is such an improvement! Really pulls the map together. This is an interesting concept for a map - having two far apart bases, and a more-or-less isolated building in the middle. It's like Utah Mambo, but the central building is more closed off from the rest of the map. Looks really cool.
Really good improvement and good ideas but, you need to start a new thread with a version two in the title or else the mods will lock this thread. (I think. Never seen anyone put the second version in the first versions thread.) Also, I just noticed that a good enough driver might be able to go fast enough around the shield doors before being blasted.
I played this map today, Multi Flag BRs. My major concern was that warthogs just...weren't decent or fun to use. The gameplay was a little...ehhhh in general (particularly spawning in the middle), but overall I think you need to work on your idea. Try to think about a way that warthogs can be fun to use if you want that to be the focus, don't make them impossible to use. The trick is to making both warthogs and infantry movement both fun, and that can be really tough. I really like your idea and drive for a map that plays towards warthogs; if you ever do make a new version, make sure to invite me for testing!
I play with guys at H3wheelmen.com. We have tested the going around the gaurdians idea thuroughly. Its virtually impossible. Not saying it can't be done, just that if there's a 99% chance of not making it, why waste the hog. This map is designed for MLDrivers. A true hog team will have a teammate strategically place a grav lift in a spot where both he can get to the top for the rocket rush, and the hog can "jump the fence". I wanted a map where it was difficult to run the hog, but not impossible. If a hog driver finds that going through the parking garage less ideal, they can always get out pick up their own grav lift. and place where they need to jump over just as well. I also wanted to take the idea of camping the hog on the sand dunes for respawn killng away. Thus the spawns are all over the place. I am constantly updating the map and have changed a few things already. I will not be posting version 3 because its only being modified till I get it right. I will then remake the entire map starting from a stacked version instead of a canvas version, in hopes of a cleaner map with more objects left over at the end as I ran out of objects befor I ran out of money. I would rather build a great wall of China out in the sand dunes as apposed to having shield doors and kill balls to prevent the hog from driving around. I will then post this version 4 in a new thread. Please keep the advise coming as I am trying to make this map reach its full potential. Do you think that if the basement of the garage was open for ground pounders yet closed for hog passage, that it might make game play more smooth?