this is a big team or 4v4 team slayer and ctf.........there are two sniper towers and a big brigde thingy........if you find any thing wrong with it let me know : Halo 3 File Details
I downloaded the map, and it was very interesting with cool buildings and great ideas! But it feels like you're mixing many very different ideas in one map, sometimes you need to build simple structures, and melt it together, to achieve a good flow in the gameplay. I think you could use those ideas and make several cool maps! There were also some bumps in the floor, which is a problem you can avoid by using blocks instead of walls when placing the floor.
Alright, first off, strictly looking at the images, I can tell you have some problems with your spawn set up. Generally, you want all the spawn points to be facing your objective: The other teams flag. (It doesn't matter if you're playing slayer or another gametype, setting all the spawns to play effectively with CTF will usually result in good spawns for all gametypes.) Also, it appears that there is some flow problems, a competative map where you have to jump, think, jump, turn around and look for the next place to jump to get to the top of a structure is not a good thing. You want players to move around your map seamlessly, not having to think about how to get from structure to structure. Overall, it looks like you have some decent concepts, you just need to work on your forging. Again, all of these conclusions are drawn without downloading the map. I am confident enough that if I was to download it, I would think the same thing. If you feel otherwise, let me know and I'll look into this more in depth.
By no means do I hate it, I can just spot some issues by viewing the images. If you'd like we can talk about it in forge. XBL = Noxiw.
spam much? Anyways, I see you've been putting up a lot of maps lately, so take the advice others have said before you post the next one. Like the others, the same wall problem has been happening repeatedly. Before you flood the boards rework your maps. You should be more confident with your posts so more ppl will dl. Fix the spelling errors(unless you can't) and stop with the overload of periods......yeah...I gess... Bye......