Hey Guys, I've been everywhere, and even did a quick search in the forum archives here and have yet to find what I've been looking for. Does anyone have a set playlist they abide by when they have lan parties? I know there's plenty of threads as to what the Matchmaking playlists entail, but I'm looking more for a list of gametypes people commonly use while playing custom games. I've been playing custom games every thursday for a while now and it's getting kind of stale. I don't want all slayer, or all objective, but a good mix and just have a list sitting next to me while I run the show, so I don't have to rack my brain as to what might be fun every time a game ends. Thoughts?
I'd be glad to help - what kind of people are you playing with, what kind of games are you looking for? For example, do you lean towards competitive maps? If so, is it just basic competitiveness or MLG? Do you prefer objective maps? If so, what kind of objectives? How about minigames (that are usually a completely new take on gameplay), or casual (like infection games)? Also, how many people do you have? The more info we have, the better we can suggest maps that would fit your party best. I don't think we have a list, though...there's so many possibilities. But it could be possible.
The best way to make a playlist is to figure out a good balance. I've found that whatever type of group you're playing with, balance always seems to work out. So, along with what Insane54 already asked, could you also add what DLC you'd prefer? I can dig up TONS of nice Sandbox variants, but there are still tons of great minigames on heroic.
what kind of people are you playing with? Really laid back guys, just looking to get out of their daily grind like we used to in college. what kind of games are you looking for? A true blend/mix of slayer, team slayer and CTF, with a sprinkle of objective/casual games. Do you lean towards competitive maps? Somewhat competitive, but not really. If so, is it just basic competitiveness or MLG? Basic if anything. Do you prefer objective maps? Only like once every 6 games or so. If so, what kind of objectives? CTF and VIP mostly, open to new ideas but not a big fan of KOTH or Territories. How about minigames? I personally love em, but most of the guys that I play with wonder what the point is. or casual (like infection games)? We are very casual. Infection, Slayer, Rockets etc. Also, how many people do you have? Around 6 to 8 could you also add what DLC you'd prefer? We all can run all of the DLC except Mythic 2.
Get ready to fill up your hard drive... I'll keep editing this post with maps 'n gametypes. THIS is new map which is perfect for 1 bomb or 1 flag. HERE'S an excellent multi-flag and slayer map. THIS is an excellent infection map, which won 3rd place in last Halloween's Hub of the Dead Infection contest. THIS is my all time favorite competitive map. Multiple levels FTW. The Book of Conquest is the #1 resource for one of my personal favorite gametypes, Conquest! GRIFBALL anyone? This map, made by Noxiw, made it into matchmaking, and is always a blast! HERE'S another epic competitive map, made by my favorite forger of all-time, zombievillan! While I'm looking at featured maps, HERE'S an infection map that was not only featured, but made it into bungie favorites! I dunno about you, but I love racing, and so do my friends. Here are some nice Racetracks. ONE TWO and THREE for ya. THIS is a beautiful minigame that never gets old. You can play these maps in any order that you like, but it's usually better to start casually and work your way up to competitive maps.
Good choices Kuroda. I know this is for Skyphoxx by I coudnt help but DL some of those maps cause they look great.
OMFG! (1) Alizarin was freakin' flawless. Such beautiful craftsmanship and practically seamless! (2) Crypt of Doom was the most fun I've had playing without guns in a long time. All of my boys agree that this map and gametype is nothing short of GENIUS. (3) We also tried a Classic Goldeneye Remake of Stack. It's called Stacked (By Ballika). It brought back some memories, and although I find it to be scaled down a bit, it was as true to the original as Halo would allow. Thanks Rorak for all the suggestions!
No problem, I just went and found the maps that I love myself. Anyways, do we hope to see you around the hub more often now?
Sweet! You can contact me anytime on the site if you have any questions, and you can send a Friend Request to KSI Kuroda over XBL if you want. I won't be online for a while, but whateva. And since you're new, you should try making an introduction thread, just to get yourself acquainted. Enjoy your stay!