After learning to ghost merge I began working on this map. Ironically enough it is the only map that I did not plan out, and the only map that I have finished. It uses a VIP based gametype, however the VIP is only used to give others specific traits (none too extreme) and to get to the destination. Killing the VIP does not earn the enemy team any points. The enemy is currently working on a new brand of warthog, heavily armored and with a beastly gun to match. If they begin mass producing the hog, the war can pretty much be declared over. You are the best of the best, and we need you to destroy that prototype. Obviously the backstory will be more in depth in the actual post, but this will have to do for now. As soon as you destroy the hog, your ride will come. Unfortunately, on such short notice we could only receive one pilot (the VIP). Escort him to the hornet if you want to make it out alive. The warthog is displayed here, the plasma grenade used to destroy it in the left-hand corner of the picture. You can only pick up the grenade (or any weapon), if you are within thirty meters of the VIP, promoting teamwork on the "offensive" teams part. However, I placed all weapons in the map on the same level, making it slightly easier. The nuclear core that powers the facility. As soon as you breach the base the enemy team will pour into this area in an attempt to hold you off from the hog. That sniper rifle won't make your job any easier. Luckily, the landing pad is closer to the area of the facility where you entered then the area where the hog is destroyed. However, don't assume that your free to go, you still need to fight your way to the hornet. Okay, enough with the on and off backstory. Basically, the map contains a large central hallway, with a few side rooms. The map is 100% finished, but I believe that it still needs a little touch up. I've tested it once and wish to test it some more. If you want to help me test the map, I host a custom games night Monday's at 7 PM EST. Send me a friend request (Plasma Blades) and a message if you are interested in helping. Unfortunately, I hit the item limit when I had about 20 items left. Many weapons were removed, but that doesn't seems to be too much of a problem. Apologies for my rant, I'm just trying to limit any simple questions. So, if you see anything that might need to be fixed in the pictures, write a comment. At the moment I'm planning to release this with a map pack, but the other two maps are not turning out as great.
Interesting story and idea. You could put a lot of background story and maybe a good series of maps out of this idea. How exactly does the switch work, destroying the warthog to receive the hornet?
There is a pallet and 5 fusion coils hidden behind the hog (but you cannot see them, therefore you need the grenade). Up in the skybubble, a hornet is on a platform and a mancannon spawns ten seconds into the game under it. The hornet does not move because the mancannon does not recognize it. The pallet is on a min/max switch, so when the one by the hog is destroyed, another one drops on the hornet, so the mancannon pushes it off. Since the hornet falls slowly, it always lands in the same spot. and the pallet stays up in the skybubble because it does not fall beneath the grid.