I was trying to make a drop pod for a map that im making and i thought, what happens when they land? (the dropping team would be split up you see) so i made this. It utillises a drop pod to deliver a mongoose to the field. there is a seperate pod next to it for humans credit to rifte gifle for creating the drop pod Overview Me activating to pod The pod dropping in Me landing next to the new mongoose EDIT: Link is up Link: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=106049442
yes i have seen this befor but alot more complex, mongooses in a pod, one of my friends never herd of forgehub, hes does this sort of stuff but alot more complex. He could drop warthogs in pods. Anyway good idea it is most likey the first drop pod with a mogoose in it. I should get my friend to tell me how to do it.
This would be a very good asset idea. You could have the humans fall into battle fighitng off the brutes and after so many minutes/seconds you could have the mongoose or any other small vehicle drop down to help the ODST's.
You should probably give credit to Rifte Gifle, the pioneer of these sorts of drop-pods. This is basically his pod, but with a mongoose shoved inside of it. Still, it's a nice idea.
This is an old idea that I've used for a while now but have yet to apply in anything. Still, nice job building it. It looks like the mongoose starts falling out as it drops though?
@combat p3nguin/ching chong kid- Ive tried to keep it as simple as possible with it still working well so to conserve objects. it came from a map that im currently making @ rifte gifle- it doesnt fall out when in transit, it just moves about inside the pod ive also edited my post to give credit to rifte gifle
Actually, no, it isn't. He doesn't own Forge, and he never will. Everything inside forge and everything we make is ours, not anyone else. Belly391 can do whatever he wants with his map and doesn't need to give credit to anyone else. Great idea but what's the point of dropping down a mongoose if you can just have one spawn on the ground? And you still have to activate it, so isn't it kind of useless?
I think what he means is that since the drop pod idea was created by myself, credit should also be given because Belly didn't actually think the drop pod itself up.
Hey Belly its Dark, I made a new account called The Haptic as you most likely have figured out. Looks like a cool idea, I would never have thought of this to be honest. One question though...does the mongoose get damaged when it 'lands'?
@dark- no its doesnt, it lands undamaged and fully useable as always @exoticallypure- whats the point? well if you played rifte gifles Asset, youd know that odsts drop in pods on to the map. this idea came from Halo: The Cole Protocol, towards the end when the assault a kig-yar stronghold, one of the pods has a mongoose in it. it adds to the experience when your stuff is dropped with you, not waiting for you at the bottom
I read the Cole Protocol a few weeks ago. Decent book. As for your map, not exactly original, and there's nothing special about it except that there's a mongoose drop pod. You could have build a map around this, that would've been interesting. Is it possible to ride the mongoose down?
Cool idea, but it seems somewhat useless. On any map you could just place one, or make it not spawn inside barricades to fall. I have many drop pod maps but this seems somewhat pointless. There's many other maps with this as a part inside it. So, it's redundantly cool
@glasgow- i am building a map around it, this just came as a spin off from that. i maqde it so i didnt have to remake it again. im not sure what you mean by 'ride it down' but if its what i think you mean... no. the pod drops too fast to hop on. @el3m3nt- it may seem easy to make, but its not. you have to get it right or it wont work. as for maps, i have yet to see one with this system in.
Simple is cheap, what's the point of it being more complex? I think it's fine as is... Not to flame or anything. Just speculating. And this is a nice switch, but I don't really see the point. Why not have the Mongoose already waiting down there?
nice i havent downloaded your map because i wasnt sure if it would be good or not but now i have seen this it looks okay i like the mongoose dropping but it would be better if it had some sort of track were t lands so its not just a big drop pod map.