Well from the words of James Cameron, yup he is writing a book that further details his fantasy 2.3 billion dollar motion picture. My thoughts are if the book is a prequel (but not as crappy as the game) then i'll buy it and read it. Linky
It will probably be just a test to see if the fans like the story, then if it does well, BAM new Avatar Movie.
Yup, i would actually like to see some other movies, perhaps not done by James Cameron but idk it would be interesting. (honestly i wish CryTech guys would have made the Avatar game they could of made it badass)
I know, I wish that Ubisoft was like lets throw a large amount of money at this instead of being acting like it was any other movie game. I will probably get the game eventually as soon as I buy those $700 glasses (well set of two and a transmitter).
You should see if before it leaves theaters so you can see it in 3D, which really does make some difference. And no these are not the crappy red and blue glasses.
No I won't read it and no I won't watch any sequels. I've just finished watching avatar and whilst its a good film it most certainly shouldn't be the highest grossing film ever.
Prediction of all stories regarding Pandora: They play a lacrosse-like game, similar to the version the Iroqouis played Unifications and inter tribe wars the first sight of white man. Err sorry "sky ****ers" The story of whats his face ultra bird dude (which john smith is the reincarnation of and pocahontas is the descendant of) Any unused cliches