Sandbox Blood Valley

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by another orphan, Nov 25, 2009.

  1. another orphan

    another orphan Ancient
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    Blood Valley
    A Sandbox-Style spinoff of Blood Gulch, creatively re-made. - The Fast and the Dead. 8-16 Players.

    This map is a Sandbox Arena style, completely symmetrical with a center piece. Supports all gametypes, preferrably team games.​

    --PLEASE NOTE: Some spawn times may be slightly off--​

    This map DOES support all gametypes, but tactics are needed! Here are some suggestions on how to play the map.

    I currently have an edited picture that shows the whole map...

    Base Back

    Also, this map is being presented on Bungie Favorites who knows when, but my group decided to pick it. :)

    #1 another orphan, Nov 25, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2009
  2. just defy

    just defy Ancient
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    dedent remake. i saw one where it was outside of sandbox with the guardians blocked using the hills to make it more like bloodgultch so this doesnt seem sto great
  3. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    This map has been forged well, you have achieved that but this map doesnt really stand out from the rest. Go back to the drawing rethink your ideas and I reckon you could come up with something really great.
  4. TailsIce44

    TailsIce44 Ancient
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    Well I wouldn't say this is really like blood gulch but its forged well.

    Its just a little...bland and if you were to look at some of the other maps they can go from suck to godly. Your in the middle. Its good but needs work. Maybe a V2 and a little more creativity? Either way not bad just not there yet.
  5. Phenomenal

    Phenomenal Ancient
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    -Very, very well forged. It shows that you put a good amount of time to make those bases.
    -Weapons-You reasoned why each weapon was placed on the map, and now I understand the ideas you had while making the map.


    -Too open for my taste. Warthogs have way to make room to play bumpercars around the map and Banshees can just manuever around the sky shooting at prey. I understand this is very vehicle-oriented, though.
    -The middle structure is very dull and not unique. If you could make something in the middle with some things branched off it, the map would improve greatly because it wouldn't be as open for the vehicles.

    Design: 3/5
    Execution: 3.75/5
    Gameplay: 3.75/5
    Balance: 3.5/5
    Aesthetics: 4/5
    Overall: 3.75/5

    The Design just has to be more unique and you have to fix the middle structure to avoid too many open areas.
  6. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    As far a placing the objects and right angles this is well forged, but now to burst your bubble. I see almost nothing merged which really needs to happen to make this play and look better. The wall by the warthog spawns is incredible, because it confines the warthog to a predetrmined path, but the other side of the base just has one block. The center is much to open, so people will end up camping in the bases and trying to shoot people on the other side because vehicles will make the center a no-mans-land. The space is so flat, a banshee would be able to dominate, but has nothing to take cover behind. You try to compensate for this with teleporters, so a person can get out of the base without getting killed; however, teleporters are really only good on huge maps like avalanch where no one can possibly cross becuase of the time involved, not because it is dominated by vehicles. The teleporters even leave you out in the open so going through is still suicide if the enemy has vehicles out. Seeing the number of objects I am fairly certain you used a canvas map (this reduces the OLN) so with big bases you have nothing to place down for cover. I understand this is on bungie favorites, but this means absolutly nothing as the quality of those maps has degraded, to the point where most maps here are better than those on bungie favorites. You are absolutely insane if you think placing vehicles on such high respawn times is ok because that means the team who ends up with no vehicles after they are mostly destroyed in the start will end up with no vehicles for 2.5 minutes. You should put the vehicles on the same respawn time becuase if the team being dominated gets one vehicle at a time a good banshee could take every one down, if you spawn them so they drop a few inches to the ground they will always spawn at the same time, and you can set them so then every vehicle on the map should spawn at the same time.

    From what I know about halo, gameplay is one team gets the laser, destroys the enemy vehicles, and that team dominates through the entire game.

    Im sure you will not understand every bit of this so please post or message me with questions to show you actually looked at this.
    I took the time to write this you can take the time to read.
  7. another orphan

    another orphan Ancient
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    Pyro, I read it and agreed. You just taught me how to drop-spawn, I was wondering how it worked... :p

    Anyways, I'm planning to remake this map with better design and simpler bases. I was thinking of having it more Sandbox-esque, but still having the bases feel more interior-ish. I was also thinking of setting more things around for cover, and forcing the Warthogs into more pre-determined paths. I couldn't really think of anything to do for the banshee, but I guess I'll add "caves" to each side or something. I'll figure something out.
  8. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    I would make a map with this myself but I do not have the time, to make this great place your lane barriers on each side of the bases, these really mix up vehicle gameplay. Create an X in the middle with the same type of barriers, and a hill at the center of these so vehicles can drive over. Add missile pods. Add cliff-like protrusions from the dune in the middle, one with a ghost or banshee, one with a turret, and put the laser in a MERGED weapon holder at the top of the hill. Put two mongooses, and two warthogs or one warthog and a chopper in each base; these should be on opposite sides with the warthog on the right if there is only one. Move the bases back to merged in the sand, and build a tower infront of each between tips of the X (forces snipers to leave the base. Warthogs spawn 30; mongooses 20; Banshee 60 or ghost 30; laser 60; missile pods 30; rockets 30. Remove spikers and plasma rifles (these are usually close range, and replace with covenant carbines and frag grenades.
    #8 pyro, Nov 27, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2009
  9. another orphan

    another orphan Ancient
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    Hmm. It seems like the map would be incredibly frenzied with that low spawn times, but okay. I've learned to ghost merge since I made this map [about 8 months ago, I just recently re-touched it for B-faves] and I'll be able to merge the bases into the hills at thie end. I was thinking of the middle being an arched X, to allow vehicles to pass under while infantry can go above with slightly less worries. I want this map to by as symmetrical as possible though, not like Valhalla which is only semi-semitrical.

    Anyways, I'll probably have the remake of this finished in about a month, as I have one of my other maps being made right now, Desert Trek...
  10. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    Arching the sides of the X would be really cool, and solve a small flow-path problem I saw when designing this. Just be sure the ends are ramps so people can jump up for the height advantage, and that would allow a banshee to be used.
    Great idea!!!
  11. another orphan

    another orphan Ancient
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    Hmm. I think I will go with the Valhalla-style symmetricality. The team will have to fight over the Banshee, laser, and turret. This really seems like it would be an exact cross-hatching of Valhalla and Blood Gulch if you think of it. I was actually thinking of the X being arched differently, like a spider, but I think having it arched like a beetle on its back would be neat. I sloppily added some stuff to the pic for what I thought. Red arrows mean either stairs or exits, red squares being the manhole. I think you can figure out the rest.


    Also, send me a FR at 'another orphan', you seem to have planning skills I don't.. XD
  12. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    I was actually thinking of the backs of the bases level with the dunes so people can simply walk onto the back like standoff. So only a front gate on the large bases would be acessable from the front and the rest through a ramp from the back. The side bases should also only be acessable from the back, with no ceiling just some cover on the sides. Finally I also liked the idea of people being on the tower so you could merge a ring of blocks supported by columns and place a geomerged mancannon in the middle to acess the top. My moms tablet is currently not available so I used circles for the flow paths. (sight-lines are generally less important than flow paths and if flow paths work as in this idea, the sight-linees will follow)
    #12 pyro, Nov 28, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2009
  13. another orphan

    another orphan Ancient
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    So have the side bases with Banshee and Turret just be acessible from the back, like a cliff or something? This might get a bit tricky, building extra support for the bases so they're level with the dunes. I was thinking of having a side door you can get out of, so CTF isn't so frenzied with only one exit. I was also thinking of having some small windows that AREN'T in important rooms, so a sniper could luckily kill some guys camping in the hallways.

    I hope this map is rather simple and not too complicated to forge.
  14. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Thats pretty much the idea of the map. Also do you know anything about when the next template challenge will be.
  15. another orphan

    another orphan Ancient
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    ...What? o_O

    Template challenge? lolwtfbbq?
  16. Cat Face

    Cat Face Ancient

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    Woah this is on B-Faves now lol
  17. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
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    Anyways, it's good to see some more BTB maps getting made, these days I'll be lucky to see one a week. I know this is old and a Blood Gulch remake, but I'm grateful :) But as stated, on such an open map, a laser is just ridiculous. I mean, this is about twice as unfair as Valhalla atm :p

    My advice would be to swap it for a missle pod, but whatever floats your banshee.
  18. Mister man 1217

    Mister man 1217 Ancient
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    Everything on this map looks really nice.

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