Map Game type This infection map I made was done in a very short amount of time, but came out very nicely with excellent game play. The map is large with a lot of moving space on the ground as well with the inside. re spawns are spread out all over the map and are set to neutral. Four starting re spawns for the zombies between the Four doors that are near the back blue hall. Scenery is reduced for game play purposes and includes 2 warthogs and a mongoose. weapons of all short but has way less of them as placed on my other maps; Also for the better game play. almost any infection game type can be used on this map, but i well provide one that I feel is most fun to use. The map has many elevation as well, giving a feeling of originality to infection maps. Whats also different is that roofing is not used as often as other maps I have done. Pics: Thank you and download
looks like old skool infection I used to play. Looks like a amazing bit of fun and I like the decorations and detail you've put in.
Looks very nice, just a quick tip is merge the fence box ( in pic 1) in to the floor to smoothen out gameplay there; I've failed many times jumping into boxes like that. Btw sniper = best map evah
i like these sort of infection maps, looks very balanced but mabe you should set the warthhog to passenger only. I dont know but mabe humans could drive it in the way of the entrance.
"This infection map I made was done in a very short amount of time" A short amount of time to make this ... this ... awesomeness? The gameplay looks great, the map looks great with interlocking and geomergin'. Will download later
When i saw the name i thought it was going to be a horrible map like a throw together in 5 mins - No offense. But this map is really well forged. Great job!
How long exactly is a short amount of time? Because this is one of the best infection maps i've seen.
Too me getting a map done in under 7 hours is really short, but that may differ from others depending on how much time they usually spend on a map.
Looks very well put together. But judging from the pics the long corridors seem unfair for infected players. Oh well. I guess i will DL and find out 5/5
Update OK so i have fixed and changed so much in this map, i thought it would be enough to edit and show what is changed. That cool spot you can go in with the double box is now blocked. You can no longer go on the roof. Zombies have a new color. The other way to get on the roof is now blocked. More re spawns are added to the map and are in groups of 5. SMG's are now the starting guns for humans. things like power drainer and bubble shields are taken out due to there pointlessness in zombies games. cleaned out some of the map for better movement. No magnum start. All weapons on map and on never re spawn and have 0 clips on most guns. Thank you and please download Map Game type