There's "Juggernaut" where a player is singled out among the others. There is "King of the Hill" where an area of play is singled out among the others. You can't have both. I wanna build "Tag." So how do I build "Safe Zones" without resorting to the age old system of honor among noobs? EDIT: Further detail. This is what I want. 1. The juggernaut is IT. If you're killed by the juggernaut you lose 1 point and become the juggernaut. If you kill someone as the juggernaut, they become the juggernaut and you gain a point. The round lasts five minutes. Whoever is IT (-1 point) at the end of the round is the loser. No other points are rewarded or penaltied (or so I wish). Apparently I can't do this, but anyway... 2. There are safe zones in which the person who is IT cannot hurt you, hence can not tag you. The only way I've figured out how to do this is add a severe penalty for entering the juggernaut "goals" of -10 points. Basically, you automatically lose for cheating. I don't want to do this. Apparently I can't make it so there are safe zones you can't be harmed in so... 3. IT has swords and normal radar. Everyone else has swords and no radar. That's easy to accomplish. So any ideas on how to do this?
Essentially, you can't, though this would be very interesting if you could.... There's a way you could do it using timed map events, and moving objects around the map. But it wouldn't be very smooth, unless your forging ideas are beyond me.
Oh, that makes it clearer. Well, you could make the Juggernaut have a higher gravity than normal players, so the Juggy can't jump into these safe zones. However, I forsee a lot of camping.
Then I don't know how to implement your idea. Well, I could think of some convoluted and complicated process, but it's really not worth the effort.
Juggernaut is essentially invincible, but not quite, if he enters a goal zone his overshields reset, so he can easily get pwned. Just a suggestion.
I <3 humble people. Anyway, How about make the Juggernaut have strong gravity, so that he can't jump up to these safe spots, and have fusion coils rain onto the safe spot every 30 seconds or something?
Well that requires a huge ammount of map editing. What I'd really like to have is a gametype I can throw at any map. Oh well. Can't always get what you want.