Hey ForgeHub, I've got a concept for a new map. It would be a map that would help to train drivers of most vehicles to improve their skills. For example, we could imitate rocks to drive over etc. etc. However, for this project, I am looking for skilled forgers to help me. You would get credit in the final post of the map and would join in most sessions to help forge the map. If anyone is interested, please leave a reply in this thread or PM me and once we have a team assembled, we will make arrangements as to how we will go about doing this. Team: - o1000LioNs - xWooden leafx - - Thanks, Monsta
Best driving practice ever: Play big team social and use nothing but vehicles. Not only will you get driving practice, but your team win every time because a good driver and gunner can wreck the enemy team with a warthog. If there are no heavy vehicles available pick up a mongoose and splatter some people. Driving practice does less than trying to splatter someone landing off the valhalla man cannons.
I'd be fine to go at it. I can merge, ghost merge, interlock, and set objects down. I have pacific standard time so other times will be hard. Tell me when we start. Gamertag is o1000LioNs. Catch you later
i could help. also, set up targets for gunners for gunning practice. we had a course for a mongoose sniper set up on last resort, where he had to shoot stacks of fusion coils. so the driver would have to keep it steady, the gunner would have to shoot all of the fusion coils, and make it a time trial. i have a LOT of ideas, im a pretty good forger, and a great driver. so i can help.
Ok thanks guys. I'll put your names on the list. And pyro6666, I'm not saying that this map would be an alternative to going online and doing that, but it could help train people. Thanks again, Monsta EDIT: And by the way, if I put you on the team, could you please PM me which time zone you're in so that I can organize times? Thanks guys.
Yes, Social Big Team is probably best for driving practice, because why not learn to drive like a pro, on the maps which you area actually going to be driving on. Also, going into Big Team, you go against a wide variety of people who use a wide variety of tactics to bring that hog down.
Okay guys. I can understand what you mean, and it's a brilliant idea going into social big team. however, when you're talking about the oppositions tactics to bring you down, this map would simply teach you to drive on various terrains, not teach you how to fight in them. There would be a little of that of course, but it would be mainly geared towards driving skill.
i live in EST. and i made a map like this on avalanche once, it was a warthog racing map. we built bumpy rock edges, a fusion coil mine area, etc. it was poorly done however, so i never posted it, but it was hard and fun.
Tanks for the advice Dthen. Are you interested in this project or simply offering advice? And Wooden Leaf it's great that you've made one of these before so we've got some idea of what we're doing! EDIT: By the way, why don't we make a series of maps that train different aspects? Like standoff for all terrain driving, another for shooting etc. etc. ?
id like to join i kno how to ghost merge interlock geomerge and stuff but ive never worked with a group b4 so i thought itd be good experience and i really liked the idea. But i can only get on certain days coz i have 2 houses. but besides that im good. oh and i live in +9.00 gmt. are u still gonna do it coz i just noticed last post time just before i clicked post