Is there a list of words that I can't say in my posts. Because there's a map pack I'm planning to release soon which contains the word f**k. So do I have to include the *s or can I just write what I want. Cheers
First of, please keep your swearing on the forums to minimum. We do not like inappropriate language a lot. Second of, why would a map pack need swearing words in it? Isn't there a much more civilized way to introduce it?
just dont say **** a lot, they dont like that oh yea and dont say gay either they dont seem to mind when you say **** or ***** though
Vestigel, Titmar, and Egg are right; why would you need to put a swear-word into a map's title? If it was a glitched map, and (Excuse me for this) were to use something such as "Wtf?!", it might be a bit more acceptable. However, if I were you, I would try to find an alternative title for the map; the title really doesn't take away from what the map's content is.
Lol at Titmar. I remember I said 'dammit', and Project went all crazy on me and edited my post. That was a joke, though. Generally, don't say vulgar words that begin with F, S, B, C, or whatever. We try to be a clean community. Even if we're sorta failing at it. Edit: Even if it had the F-bomb, doesn't Halo automatically -Blam!- it?
Excessive swearing just shows signs of low intellect. Can't you think of another word which would express your feelings clearer? On the flip side, people that are strongly offended by swear words are equally at fault. They are just words, don't take them so seriously.
What? I don't have a low intellect... Besides, I make swearing an art. It's boring and unoriginal when you just say the vulgarities as they are. But mix them with other words, and you can create a masterpiece of human language. I'd give examples, but...yeah.
Well yeah, if you use them too much it shows that you can't come up with better words to express your feelings with. There's nothing wrong with swearing.. at the right times! I swear, but I don't make it my goal to put it in every other word.
The reason being: I'm planning on posting a set of small winded maps which I am planning on calling "The Cluster-**** Map Pack". The maps, themselves have clean names. I guess I could call it "The Fuster-Cluck Map Pack" to avoid angering anyone.
I think that "The Fuster-Cluck Map Pack" is perfect. When you post it you could have it look like this: The Fuster-Cluck Map Pack
Thanks, I might do that. The map pack will probs be up by the weekend, I still have to test out a couple of the maps.
That name is perfect! Cursing? Well it's a forum for an M rated game, really. Cursing when you can't think of anything makes you look like a dumbass. But otherwise, I personally have no problem with cursing. Just be tasteful, I con only handle so much idiocy. *rubs temples*
when i saw this thread i was tempted to just make a post with all of the words in the book but i held back. fuster-cluck is definately the way to go on this one. the right solution: portray your dirty mouth creatively (fuster-cluck is a prime example). also, innuendos are always fun.
So, have I told Furious under California, Klink258 damaged a midget's Macintosh; in turn, crazy raping ape people surrendered our new open field artillery before I told Captain Henderson? I agree, innuendos are very fun.
I would never, EVER hurt a Macintosh. Ever. PC's, maybe. But not an Apple product :0 And the OP's Question of sorts has been answered, so I'm locking this before there's any more spam.