Server name: ForgeHubbarz Walcome Your in-game name: Gr4phix When's the server up: 24/7 Server Link: My Server If you come, tell me your FH Name and I'll make you Admin.
No. Go to your server folder, and find the externalurl.txt. Copy paste that. YOU can only use the URL you gave us.
yes, and i could aim and stuff, and destroy the cool blocks, but i couldnt move. has anybody here tried it on a mac or am i just an idiot?
I don't see why it wouldn't work. But go to, register, and download their client. You shouldn't have problems with that one. If not, check out and see if anyone else is having Mac troubles.
Ack, I hate WoM. Anyways, Macs have been known to have some problems and such. I'm getting a ForgeHub server up soon. WAIT A BIT.
So uhh... Add me to the players list: HomerSPC. My friend's server was lagging so bad tonight after you left.
Got it. Anyways, I'll be setting up a guest area on the server I made so that you can build whenever I'm not on.
I wanna play the indev version of Survival. It's much MUCH less boring looking than the alpha(?) version. It's too bad I've only got 8 bucks right now or I would buy it. =(