Skyjump v.4 SKYJUMP WARNING: STRONG RADIO FREQUENCY FIELDS DISTORT GRAVITY AT THIS SITE Download Map Download Gametype SKYJUMP is a massive mongoose ramp that launches you across the map in one leap and you fly so high you nearly touch the invsible ceiling. But this map is not just a ramp, it is a fully-fledged Rocket Race Trick map that has had lots of thought, time and effort put into forging it. The map has been forged from the first object onwards with gameplay, excitement, balance, symettry and strategy in mind. The map uses the whole of Standoff including it’s skies and out of the map areas.This is version four, and definitely the last, more has been added to the map and existing features were improved. But the reason for the update was to fix the map’s unforgiving spawning system, it is now very forgiving of cliff dives and you should never be without an available mongoose. These pictures will guide you through some of the map’s VIP points which I gave names to whilst forging. THE SKYJUMP – The VIP point is at the top of Standoff’s sky, the SKYJUMP ramp’s man cannons are arranged using a technique (the friction technique) that gives extra boost power so that your mongoose can actually make the colossal leap to reach it and land on the other side of map. Note the shield door landing system, which cushions you down and around still on all four wheels so that you can keep driving to the next VIP point. This is of course the central feature of the map and has had more work put into it than anything else on the map (including the bouncepad). The angles of the bridges, the placement of the man cannons has all been endlessly adjusted, tested, tweaked, revised and so on to push H3’s physics to the limit to make the most epic “skyjump” possible. It’s been clocked at five seconds hang time and works 99% of the time or more. THE BOUNCEPAD - An out-of-the-map skytrack that bounces you over the chasm. The VIP point is on a horizontal shield door, which can be obtained by bouncing on it, coming from either end of the skytrack. An orange and a purple beacon – orange gate and purple gate, highlight the two ends of the skytrack. THE REACTOR (STARTING POINT) – This go-to point is in the exact middle of the map and has a movable object (wire spool) which has been made immovable. But it’s no ordinary wire spool, it contains explosive propane tanks that start a chain reaction when set off. At the start of the match it is not explosive, until two minutes in to the game when a fusion coil drops and it starts to explode every 3 seconds. RING OF FIRE – pretty self-explanatory so I’ll just let the pics do the talking… Hit the bump to jump over and try not to miss... A costly mistake? You can end up anywhere when this thing goes off... SUN-JUMP - A shield door/man cannon combo jump with a VIP point that is in-line with the sun, sometimes it’s hard to see from the glare. This jump has been updated from the last version to get the maximum height from the man cannons by using the friction technique. FUSIONS (SILO 3) - Dodge falling fusion coils that run down the incline and explode and giant wire spools that roll down and can take you out. TREETOP - A cool shield door/ man cannon combo jump through the top of the tree’s branches, hit the ramp properly and you’ll land safely on downward slope on the other side. CLIFFSLIDE – Get up to the cliff area behind the base using one of three shield door bounce ramps, this is an important area of the map through which five VIP points can be reached. Try not to get asploded over the edge and then powerslide along the edge of the cliff, piece of cake… THE BOXES – Double boxes provide four different ways to get to this mid-air VIP point , you’ll need a reasonable amount of speed and a good line to make the jump to the other side and continue on. THE GRAV LIFTS – In symmetry with “the boxes”, grav lifts provide four different ways to get to this mid-air VIP point, again you’ll need a reasonable amount of speed and a good line to make the jump to the other side and continue on. If you judge your speed correctly, you will have your landing softened by the opposing grav lift. More about SKYJUMP: <> This is a Trick map that plays more like a Speed map because the jumps work so well <> Most VIP Points have more than one way of getting to them with criss-crossing pathways <> All the jumps have been endlessly tested and adjusted to get maximum functionality <> The SKYJUMP works 99% of the time if you do it right - fast and straight in the middle <> Stunt driving requires skill - drive fast straight lines (in the middle of ramp for SKYJUMP) <> The Driver gets a bubble shield for protection when flipping your mongoose <> You and your mongooses spawn in the bases so that they’re out of the way Remember one thing about my map: it is fun, but is also a bit challenging - I like it that way. All you need is to know the map a bit and you'll be fine, here are some driving tips: <> Drive straight and fast and in the middle of the ramp for the skyjump <> Go about 3/4 speed at the start of the bouncepad and then gun it when you get to the straight part (i.e. the ramps to the bouncepad), and stick to the middle of course - there's a line along the center of the boxes to help out. If you're a bit off you can angle the mongoose slightly so that you don’t miss the ramp at the other side. <> Don’t go super fast (getting more speed coming down hill) at the double boxes and gravlifts - if you are, just cut the gas for a split second <> Learn to get up to the cliff area using the shield door bounce ramps - this is an important part of the map from which you can get to five different VIP points. <> Almost all the jumps require some speed to get to the VIP point, very simple - just have a good run up and angle your mongoose towards the VIP point - you'd be surprised how many times people miss, all you have to do is line it up and drive straight! <> If you're going to mess up - fall off the cliff, get smashed by a fusion coil, just hit the brakes, very simple I know but by the way people play sometimes it's like they don’t know mongooses have them. <> Look to your right and get ready to turn whilst you’re still in midair when landing off the skyjump That’s all I can think of for now - I'll put some more up if I think of any Special thanks to my friends Quoitus H3 117 and JB Spudster for helping me with some final adjustments to the maps. And thanks to everyone who helped me test the map: VoilentMethod, AussieTom, TPA Stoner, Marine Bunny, VoodooOnFire, DRAGONDEE, MarineKitten -sorry if I forgot anyone. Special thanks also to triggerhappy915 for his big 5 contest - I think that's where my other versions got a lot of DLs and kept me interested.
Great map, I remember when you were creating this, too busy to play matchmaking . Good job, can't wait for the next one. 5/5 xSLY JDx
I don't even need to play this to know this is gonna be awesome i love rocket race and a map like this for rocket race. 9/10 cant wait to play this map downloaded.
wow this looks incredible. Ive never seen a map like this actually. maybe cause i never look in the race maps section lol, but this one def caught my eye. The skyjump looks sick nd im sure its amazing, thts y im gonna stop talkin nd start DLin lol... props!