
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Loscocco, Feb 17, 2010.

  1. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Hey everyone. I have been working on a BTB map that uses the main level of Sandbox (including guardian area). The map is designed to be vehicle based on the outer region of the map and the middle is very close quarters to render vehicles useless. The only problem is that I am having an incredibly difficulty time creating structures for the middle of the map.

    So here is what I have so far:

    Overview (bridge):



    Missile Pods (right outside of the middle):

    [​IMG] (kinda like a sunken base)

    Shotgun Spawns (probably gonna change to Rockets):


    Sniper Perch:


    Excalibur Spawn:


    So once again: I am in DESPERATE need of some good structure designs for the middle of the map. If you have any good design ideas that you aren't going to use, please send them this way!
  2. The Bloody Beetroots

    Senior Member

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    Ohai, I would like to help you out with this. It would be easier if you just sent me a Friend Request on xbox live, and invited me when you wanted my help. I've had plans for this kind of map forever, I'll help you.

    Your middle structure is blehhh. I got this idea I am gonna draw on sketchup if I boot Windows up later(I'm on Ubuntu) and I will sketch it for you, it wont be exact because if I use the dunes it slows down my computer, but it will be good.
    Here is a shitty text figure sketch.

  3. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    aww man that hurts. I spent like an hour making that small section and now I worry about screwing up the object limit by deleting all of the materials if I want to ghost merge a new structure with those supplies.

    And I really cant get an image from dots and lines. You would need to show me some other way.

    But thanks for the feedback.
  4. The Bloody Beetroots

    Senior Member

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    I'm sorry about that structure and my comment, its just the fact that its a massive sideways pillar. Also, I've always had a hatred for killballs in anything besides Asset. Let me boot up Windows and draw you a model.
  5. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    What exactly about the center renders vehicles useless? What sorts of vehicles do you have, making a BTB map using the entire main level of Sandbox could take a while. It seems as if vehicles would dominate to much, add a mancannon or two if you werent already going to. And i suggest making more bunkers in the desert. From what i see of the map you can get killed by a vehicle wherever you are, make some bunkers with shield doors or something, as long as it keeps vehicles out. Im getting too carried away with vehicles though, im sure you will find something to do on it, cant wait to see the finished product.
  6. The Bloody Beetroots

    Senior Member

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    Heres what I meant in a way.
  7. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    It is a work in progress like I said before. The middle is going to be very compact making vehicles useless because there is plenty of places to take cover and plenty of places to destroy the vehicle quickly.

    The map will probably have 2 warthogs for each team, a chopper and ghost, a few mongooses and two banshees or transport hornets somewhere in the middle of the map.

    Also, yes I am making more places on the outer region (once again, work in progress) mainly for cover, aesthetics and weapon spawns.

    That does look nice and I was going to have a place for air vehicles to spawn for each team which is located away from the base. I was going to do something like a helipad, but that seems nicer, easier to make and less costly. When you said that "the middle was bleh" and started talking about these structures, where you saying that this should replace the middle? If so, its way to small :/
    One other thing, how is someone supposed to get up? I might add a ramp somewhere.
    #7 Loscocco, Feb 17, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2010
  8. The Bloody Beetroots

    Senior Member

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    Its on the back, and it was meant to be in the middle with a counter structure. I was to lazy to sketch it. I sent you a FR on xbl. I want to help.
  9. CzIz

    CzIz Ancient

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    I personally think from the screenies that the middle structure looks great, but the problem with it is (imo) that it isn't go to be much in terms of gameplay :/

    What I mean by that, is that the bridge runs horizontally to both bases, therefore a team would either go underneath or around, but would rarely cross over, as it takes you no nearer to your objective.

    Also to pick up on the idea for the map ("The map is designed to be vehicle based on the outer region of the map and the middle is very close quarters to render vehicles useless.")
    Would this not make the whole middle of the map commonly unused by most BT players, as they would simply pick up a vehicle and go round. I suppose if you pull it off right, then you could make using the central route on foot an advantage and sort of set up a two way attack (half the team in vehicles round the outside, and half the team storming through the middle). I'm not sure on this one though.

    Good luck and sorry if i come across as a bit harsh.
  10. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    response in red
  11. Okage4

    Okage4 Ancient
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    The middle structure definitely needs to be big, height-wise. It needs to be tall enough to see from anywhere. This will definitely make the middle a more desireable area for on-foot players. You might even consider moving the Sniper closer to the center. Also, you need to make it so that there's PLENTY of cover from vehicles, maybe even design the middle structure to be a closed off, CQC area to create some diversity of gameplay.

    Also, be sure that the middle has some sort of entrances that deny entry to vehicles that aren't shield doors. Something like small ramps and doors, use your imagination.

    Anyway, as for advice on the entire map, I'd suggest that you make the main bases have Two-Way teleporters that take them to a secondary mini-base of some sort that also have man-cannons accessible only by foot soldiers that shoot them towards the center. I guarantee you, this would encourage players to stay on foot, and it even balances out the vehicles and foot soldiers in terms of speed of movement across the map.

    Remember: man-cannons and teleporters are key to making a good BTB map that encompasses ALL of Sandbox. Avalanche and Valhalla will be good inspirations to help you out with this project. Good luck to you!
  12. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    I maed it. :D

    so here is my plan for foot transportation:

    There will be a structure with mancannons attached to it so players can go to these stations right outside the base which will transport them to either the middle or to the shotgun spawn (middle of the outer region)

    I still need good/simple structures for the middle so I can make it really dense. Here is all I have right now... :/

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